如何在数码显微照片中在 dm-script 和 python 之间进行通信

How to communicate between dm-script and python in Digital Micrograph

我如何在 dm-script 代码和 python 代码之间进行通信,两者都在数码显微照片中执行?

在我的具体情况下,我有复杂的对话。因为对话框在 python 中不受支持,但在 dm-script 中,我在 dm-script 中编写了我的对话框。现在的问题是从对话框传递到 python 代码。


import DigitalMicrograph as DM

script = """string field_value = "";

class ButtonDialog : UIFrame{
    void field_changed(object self, TagGroup field){
        field_value = field.DLGGetStringValue();
    object init(object self){
        TagGroup dlg, dlg_items, field;
        dlg = DLGCreateDialog("Type in a number", dlg_items);
        field = DLGCreateIntegerField(0, 10, "field_changed");
        return self;

object dialog = alloc(ButtonDialog).init();


# how do I get this?
field_value = ""

要在 dm-scriptpython 之间同步数据,而两者都是 运行 在同一实例中(本例中的线程,也可以针对不同的线程进行修改)可以使用持久性标签.

dm-script 正在设置永久标签。 python 然后可以再次读取持久性标签。

更新:Python 模块

由于下面提到的限制以及不断增长和不可读的代码,我决定为此编写自己的 python 模块。使用 execdmscript 可以很容易地从数码显微照片执行带有变量同步的 dm-script 代码。


from execdmscript import exec_dmscript

# some script to execute
dmscript = """
number input;
number s = GetNumber("Enter a number between " + min + " and " + max + ".", init, input);"

# variables that will be defined for the dm-scripts (and readable later on in python)
sv = {"min": 1, "max": 10, "init": 2}
# variables the dm-script defines and that should be readable in the python file
rv = {"input": "number", "s": "number"}

with exec_dmscript(dmscript, readvars=rv, setvars=sv) as script:
    if script["s"]:
        print("User pressed cancel.")

这隐藏了所有 dm-script 相关的保存和问题(如下所述)。它允许使用 listdict 以及 boolstrintfloat 等基本类型。所有类型和值都可以以 pythonic 方式使用,无需关心 dm-script 类型。 dm-script 可以移动到单独的文件中以进一步清理代码。

请注意,对于调试,有一个 exec_dmscript(debug=True, debug_file="path/to/file") 开关可以将代码保存到给定的 debug_file。然后可以在显示错误的 GMS 中手动执行此文件。

Disclaimer: As mentioned, I am the author of the execdmscript module. Still I think this is the best solution for this case. In fact this question was the reason I wrote the module.


对于 stringnumber 等基本数据类型,可以手动创建和添加代码。下面的例子展示了这个想法:

import DigitalMicrograph as DM
import time

sync_id = "sync-{}".format(int(time.time() * 100))

dmscript = """
number input;
number s = GetNumber("Enter a number between {min} and {max}.", {init}, input);

TagGroup p = GetPersistentTagGroup();
p.TagGroupSetTagAsBoolean("{id}-success", s);
p.TagGroupSetTagAsLong("{id}-input", input);

DM.ExecuteScriptString(dmscript.format(min=1, max=10, init=2, id=sync_id))

# cannot save TagGroups to variables, check below
s, success = DM.GetPersistentTagGroup().GetTagAsBoolean("{}-success".format(sync_id))

if s and success:
    # cannot save TagGroups to variables, check below
    s, input = DM.GetPersistentTagGroup().GetTagAsLong("{}-input".format(sync_id))
    if s:
        print("Did not find 'input' in persistent tags.")
elif not s:
    print("Did not find 'success' in persistent tags.")
    print("User clicked cancel.")

# cannot save TagGroups to variables, check below
# delete tag, otherwise the persistent tags gets filled with garbage

可以看到这种方法有一些缺点。有很多代码创建设置和仅输入一个数字的同步。这使代码变得混乱。也有人可能想将 dm-script 代码保存在一个单独的文件中,添加 python 文件打开。在此代码中调试 dm-script 代码也很困难。最后,TagGroup 在 python 一侧旅行有限制(查看下方)。



请注意 TagGroup 很难同步。 TagGroups 不得分配给变量。一旦它们存在,它们就不再可用了。这可以通过以下非常简单的代码来说明:

import DigitalMicrograph as DM

# create group for the example
group1 = DM.NewTagGroup()
group1.SetTagAsString("test-string", "test content")
print("Group 1 valid:", group1.IsValid(), "(type:", type(group1), ")")

# save to persistent tags
DM.GetPersistentTagGroup().SetTagAsTagGroup("test", group1)

# get the group without assigning to a variable, works
s, group2 = DM.GetPersistentTagGroup().GetTagAsTagGroup("test")
print("Group 2 success:", s, ", valid:", group2.IsValid(), "(type:", type(group2), ")")

# assign one parent group to a variable, doesn't work
tags = DM.GetPersistentTagGroup()
s, group3 = tags.GetTagAsTagGroup("test")
print("Group 3 success:", s, ", valid:", group3.IsValid(), "(type:", type(group3), ")")


Group 1 valid: True (type: <class 'DigitalMicrograph.Py_TagGroup'> )
Group 2 success: True , valid: True (type: <class 'DigitalMicrograph.Py_TagGroup'> )
Group 3 success: True , valid: False (type: <class 'DigitalMicrograph.Py_TagGroup'> )

这表明您不能将 TagGroup 分配给 python 变量。


这可以针对异步应用程序进行扩展。 dm-scriptpython 实现可以设置观察持久性标签的线程。 (请注意,您可以使用 TagGroupMarkAsChanged()TagGroup 标记为已修改),最好使用不同的标签。然后两者都可以将命令 and/or 数据添加到标签中。另一个“实例”可以读取和处理它们。

这必须手动编码。这(目前)未包含在 execdmscript 模块中。

DM-scripts 调用 Python 个脚本

这个答案显示了 Python 和 DM-script 之间的一些交流,但形成了相反的一面。它还使用持久性 tagGroup 作为 transfer-proxy.

从 DM 脚本Python传入和传出简单值

// //////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Helper methods 
// Build the DM-String representing the PythonScript
// which is then called
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////
string AddPythonValueIN( number val, string valName, string valType )
    string py
    py += "\n#Get value DM->Python via global tags" + "\n"
    py += "success, " + valName + " = DM.GetPersistentTagGroup().GetTagAs" + valType + "('Python_temp:in:" + valName + "')" + "\n"
    py += "if False == success:" + "\n"
    py += "    print( 'Error. No value passed in by DM-script sucessfully.' )" + "\n"
    py += "    exit(0)" + "\n"
    return py

string AddPythonValueIN( string val, string valName, string valType )
    string py
    py += "\n#Get value DM->Python via global tags" + "\n"
    py += "success, " + valName + " = DM.GetPersistentTagGroup().GetTagAs" + valType + "('Python_temp:in:" + valName + "')" + "\n"
    py += "if False == success:" + "\n"
    py += "    print( 'Error. No value passed in by DM-script sucessfully.' )" + "\n"
    py += "    exit(0)" + "\n"
    return py

string AddPythonValueOut( string valName, string valType )
    string py
    py += "\n#Get value Python->DM via global tags" + "\n"
    py += "DM.GetPersistentTagGroup().SetTagAs" + valType + "('Python_temp:out:" + valName + "'," + valName + ")" + "\n"
    return py

string AddPythonPrintModifyPrint()
    string py
    py += "\n#Print InValue, modify, print OutValue" + "\n"
    py += "print('InValue',InValue)"+ "\n"
    py += "OutValue = InValue * 2" + "\n"
    py += "print('OutValue',OutValue)"+ "\n"
    return py

// //////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Example calls 
// Demonstrating value passing from DM script to a 
// called Python snippet. TagTypes need to be 
// explicit in Python.
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////
void PythonValueInAndOut_Float()
    number value = 13.2
    Result( " DM-Script passed value in: " + value + "\n")
    string py = "#Script to demonstrate value passing in Hybrid scripts. DM calling Python." + "\n"
    py += AddPythonValueIN( value, "InValue", "Float" )
    py += AddPythonPrintModifyPrint() 
    py += AddPythonValueOut( "OutValue", "Float" )
    Result( "\n PYTHON CODE EXECUTES\n --------------------- \n\n" )
    ExecutePythonScriptString( py, 1 )
    Result( "\n --------------------- \n PYTHON CODE FINISHED \n\n" )
    if ( !GetPersistentTagGroup().TagGroupGetTagAsFloat("Python_temp:out:OutValue",value))
        Throw("Python value passed out not found.")
    Result( "DM-Script received value: " + value + "\n")

void PythonValueInAndOut_Double()
    number value = 13.2
    Result( " DM-Script passed value in: " + value + "\n")
    string py = "#Script to demonstrate value passing in Hybrid scripts. DM calling Python." + "\n"
    py += AddPythonValueIN( value, "InValue", "Double" )
    py += AddPythonPrintModifyPrint() 
    py += AddPythonValueOut( "OutValue", "Double" )
    Result( "\n PYTHON CODE EXECUTES\n --------------------- \n\n" )
    ExecutePythonScriptString( py, 1 )
    Result( "\n --------------------- \n PYTHON CODE FINISHED \n\n" )
    if ( !GetPersistentTagGroup().TagGroupGetTagAsDouble("Python_temp:out:OutValue",value))
        Throw("Python value passed out not found.")
    Result( "DM-Script received value: " + value + "\n")

void PythonValueInAndOut_String()
    string value = "hallo"
    Result( " DM-Script passed value in: " + value + "\n")
    string py = "#Script to demonstrate value passing in Hybrid scripts. DM calling Python." + "\n"
    py += AddPythonValueIN( value, "InValue", "String" )
    py += AddPythonPrintModifyPrint() 
    py += AddPythonValueOut( "OutValue", "String" )
    Result( "\n PYTHON CODE EXECUTES\n --------------------- \n\n" )
    ExecutePythonScriptString( py, 1 )
    Result( "\n --------------------- \n PYTHON CODE FINISHED \n\n" )
    if ( !GetPersistentTagGroup().TagGroupGetTagAsString("Python_temp:out:OutValue",value))
        Throw("Python value passed out not found.")
    Result( "DM-Script received value: " + value + "\n")


从 DM 脚本Python传入和传出图像数据

// Images and other objects which are in memory can be most easily passed
// by passing their ID value and then finding them by ID.
// However, this does not work if the object would go out of scope at the 
// end of a script (like an image which is not displayed)
// To pass a NumpyArray out of Python without showing an image, one can
// instead write the array to the global tags directly, together with the
// information needed to read the tags out into a DM-image
void PythonImageInOut( )
    image img := RealImage("test",4,5,5)
    img = icol
    Result( " DM-Script passed image ["+img.ImageGetLabel()+"] in.\n")
    string py
    py += "\n#Get image DM->Python via imageLabel" + "\n"
    py += "img = DM.FindImageByID("+ img.ImageGetID()+")" + "\n"
    py += "if None == img:" + "\n"
    py += "    print( 'Error.No image passed in by DM-script sucessfully.' )" + "\n"
    py += "    exit(0)" + "\n"
    py += "\n"
    py += "print('Image from DM: Label = ', img.GetLabel())" + "\n"
    py += "print('Image from DM: Name  = ', img.GetName())" + "\n"
    py += "print('Image from DM: Value = \n', img.GetNumArray())" + "\n"
    py += "del img #ALWAYS delete DM objects in Python scripts" + "\n"
    py += "\n"
    py += "\n#Create DM image in Python and pass out as ID via global tags" + "\n"
    py += "import numpy as np" + "\n"
    py += "data = np.arange(48).reshape(6,8)" + "\n"
    py += "outImg = DM.CreateImage(data.copy(order='C'))" + "\n"
    py += "DM.GetPersistentTagGroup().SetTagAsLong('Python_temp:out:ID',outImg.GetID())" + "\n"
    py += "print('Create new image with ID:',outImg.GetID())"+"\n"
    py += "outImg.ShowImage()    #Image needs to be shown or it will not stay in memory" + "\n"
    py += "del outImg #ALWAYS delete DM objects in Python scripts" + "\n"
    Result( "\n PYTHON CODE EXECUTES\n --------------------- \n\n" )
    ExecutePythonScriptString( py, 1 )
    Result( "\n --------------------- \n PYTHON CODE FINISHED \n\n" )
    number imgID
    if ( !GetPersistentTagGroup().TagGroupGetTagAsLong("Python_temp:out:ID",imgID))
        Throw("Python imageID value passed out not found.")
    image outImg := FindImageByID(imgID)
    if ( !outImg.ImageIsValid()  )
        Throw("Python imageID value passed out but no matching image found.")
    Result( "DM-Script received image: " + outImg.ImageGetLabel()+ "\n")

void PythonArrayOut( )
    string py
    py += "#Passing Numpy array values via global tags" + "\n"
    py += "import numpy as np" + "\n"
    py += "data = np.arange(6*8*3).reshape(6,8,3)" + "\n"
    py += "outImg = DM.CreateImage(data.copy(order='C'))" + "\n"
    py += "DM.GetPersistentTagGroup().SetTagAsArray('Python_temp:out:array',outImg)" + "\n"
    py += "DM.GetPersistentTagGroup().SetTagAsLong('Python_temp:out:type',outImg.GetDataType())" + "\n"
    py += "for i in range(data.ndim,0,-1):" + "\n"
    py += "    DM.GetPersistentTagGroup().SetTagAsLong('Python_temp:out:dim:' + str(i-1),data.shape[i-1])" + "\n"   
    py += "\n"
    py += "del outImg #ALWAYS delete DM objects in Python scripts" + "\n"
    Result( "\n PYTHON CODE EXECUTES\n --------------------- \n\n" )
    ExecutePythonScriptString( py, 1 )
    Result( "\n --------------------- \n PYTHON CODE FINISHED \n\n" )

    number dataType
    if ( !GetPersistentTagGroup().TagGroupGetTagAsLong("Python_temp:out:type",dataType))
        Throw("Python dataType value passed out not found.")
    TagGroup dimTG
    if ( !GetPersistentTagGroup().TagGroupGetTagAsTagGroup("Python_temp:out:dim",dimTG))
        Throw("Python dimensions passed out not found.")
    number nDim = dimTG.TagGroupCountTags()
    number n0, n1, n2, n3, n4
    image outImg 
    if ( 1 == nDim  )
        outImg := NewImage("Test", dataType, n0 )
    else if ( 2 == nDim  )
        outImg := NewImage("Test", dataType, n0, n1 )
    else if ( 3 == nDim  )
        outImg := NewImage("Test", dataType, n0, n1, n2 )
    else if ( 4 == nDim  )
        outImg := NewImage("Test", dataType, n0, n1, n2, n3 )
    else if ( 5 == nDim  )
        outImg := NewImage("Test", dataType, n0, n1, n2, n3, n4 )
    if ( !GetPersistentTagGroup().TagGroupGetTagAsArray("Python_temp:out:array",outImg))
        Throw("Python array data passed out not found.")
    Result("\n DM recreated image from array values: " + outImg.ImageGetLabel()+ "\n")

Result("\n\nEXAMPLE Python<->DM image passing\n")
Result("\n\nEXAMPLE Python-->DM array passing\n")
PythonArrayOut( )