SQL 服务器递归查询以显示父路径

SQL Server recursive query to show path of parents

我正在使用 SQL 服务器语句并且有一个 table 比如:

| item | value | parentItem |
|  1   | 2test |     2      |
|  2   | 3test |     3      |
|  3   | 4test |     4      |
|  5   | 1test |     1      |
|  6   | 3test |     3      |
|  7   | 2test |     2      |

我想使用 SQL 服务器语句获得以下结果:

| item1 | value1                   |
|  1    | /4test/3test/2test       |
|  2    | /4test/3test             |
|  3    | /4test                   |
|  5    | /4test/3test/2test/1test |
|  6    | /4test/3test             |
|  7    | /4test/3test/2test       |

我没有找到正确的 SQL 来根据 parentItem 获取所有 ID 的所有值。

我试过了 SQL :

with all_path as 
    select item, value, parentItem 
    from table 

    union all 

    select a.item, a.value, a.parentItem 
    from table a, all_path b
    where a.item = b.parentItem
    item as item1, 
    stuff(select '/' + value 
          from all_path 
          order by item asc 
          for xml path ('')), 1, 0, '') as value1 





;with yourTable as (
     select item, value, parentItem 
     from (values 
    )x (item,value,parentItem)
, DoRecursivePart as (

    select 1 as Pos, item, convert(varchar(max),value) value, parentItem 
    from yourTable
    union all
    select drp.pos +1, drp.item, convert(varchar(max), yt.value + '/' + drp.value), yt.parentItem
    from yourTable yt
    inner join DoRecursivePart drp on drp.parentItem = yt.item

select drp.item, '/' + drp.value 
from DoRecursivePart drp
inner join (select item, max(pos) mpos 
            from DoRecursivePart 
            group by item) [filter] on [filter].item = drp.item and [filter].mpos = drp.Pos
order by item


item        value
----------- ------------------
1           /4test/3test/2test
2           /4test/3test
3           /4test
5           /4test/3test/2test/1test
6           /4test/3test
7           /4test/3test/2test


drop table if exists dbo.test_table;
create table dbo.test_table(
  item                  int not null,
  [value]               varchar(100) not null,
  parentItem            int not null);

insert dbo.test_table values


;with recur_cte(item, [value], parentItem, h_level) as (
    select item, [value], parentItem, 1 
    from dbo.test_table tt
    union all
    select rc.item, tt.[value], tt.parentItem, rc.h_level+1 
    from dbo.test_table tt join recur_cte rc on tt.item=rc.parentItem)
select rc.item, 
      stuff((select '/' + cast(parentItem as varchar)
             from recur_cte c2
             where rc.item = c2.item
             order by h_level desc FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') [value1]
from recur_cte rc
group by item;


item    value1
1       4/3/2
2       4/3
3       4
5       4/3/2/1
6       4/3
7       4/3/2