完成个人目标后更新并重新加载 UITableView
Update and reload UITableView after completion of personal goals
我正在构建某种待办事项列表应用程序。易于使用的工具可帮助建立积极的例程、习惯、设定个人目标、跟踪您的进度。但是当我创建一个用户设置个人目标时,he/she 必须向左滑动,这是一个数字加起来就是用户的进度。我设法创造了它。但是当用户完成目标时,它会说完成目标,这很好,但我希望 Tableview Cell 更新并删除完成视图!
问题是它不从 uitableview 更新数据。请帮助我,非常感谢您抽出时间。
func configureCell(goal: Goal) {
self.goalDescriptionLbl.text = goal.goalDescription
self.goalDescriptionLbl2.text = goal.goalDescription2
self.goalProgressLbl.text = String(describing: goal.goalProgress)
if goal.goalProgress == goal.goalCompletion {
self.completionView.isHidden = false
} else {
self.completionView.isHidden = true
func setProgress(atIndexPath indexPath: IndexPath) {
guard let managedContext = appDelegate?.persistentContainer.viewContext else { return }
let chosenGoal = goals[indexPath.row]
if chosenGoal.goalProgress < chosenGoal.goalCompletion {
chosenGoal.goalProgress = chosenGoal.goalProgress + 1
} else {
do {
try managedContext.save()
print("Successfully set progress")
} catch {
debugPrint("Could not set progress: \(error.localizedDescription)")
func removeGoal(atIndexPath indexPath: IndexPath) {
guard let managedContext = appDelegate?.persistentContainer.viewContext else { return }
do {
try managedContext.save()
print("Successfully removed goal!")
} catch {
debugPrint("Could not remove: \(error.localizedDescription)")
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
leadingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UISwipeActionsConfiguration?
let addAction = UIContextualAction(style: .normal, title: "", handler: { (ac:UIContextualAction, view:UIView, success:(Bool) -> Void) in
self.setProgress(atIndexPath: indexPath)
tableView.reloadRows(at: [indexPath], with: .automatic)
addAction.image = UIImage(named: "Add1")
addAction.backgroundColor = #colorLiteral(red: 0.9529411765, green: 0.9607843137, blue: 0.9803921569, alpha: 1)
return UISwipeActionsConfiguration(actions: [addAction])
} }
// cellForRowAt indexPath
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
guard let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "goalCell") as? GoalCell else {
return UITableViewCell() }
let goal = goals[indexPath.row]
// pass class(Object) from GoalCell.swift file
// Core Data NS fetch - 4
cell.configureCell(goal: goal)
// Did select 2
cell.goalDescriptionLbl2?.text = ""
return cell
func fetch(completion: (_ complete: Bool) -> ()) {
guard let managedContext = appDelegate?.persistentContainer.viewContext else { return }
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest<Goal>(entityName: "Goal")
do {
goals = try managedContext.fetch(fetchRequest)
print("Successfully fetched data.")
} catch {
debugPrint("Could not fetch: \(error.localizedDescription)")
func setProgress(atIndexPath indexPath : IndexPath) {
guard let managedContext = appDelegate?.persistentContainer.viewContext else { return }
let selectedGoal = goals[indexPath.row]
if selectedGoal.goalProgressValue < selectedGoal.goalCompletionValue - 1 {
selectedGoal.goalProgressValue = selectedGoal.goalProgressValue + 1
} else {
// By the time the code executing, goal is met.
selectedGoal.goalProgressValue = selectedGoal.goalProgressValue + 1
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1.0) {
// the code in the block is all about hiding the completion view
selectedGoal.goalCompleteViewShowed = true
do {
try managedContext.save()
self.tableView.reloadRows(at: [indexPath], with: UITableView.RowAnimation.automatic)
} catch {
debugPrint("Couldn't set progress. \(error.localizedDescription)")
do {
try managedContext.save()
} catch {
debugPrint("Couldn't set progress. \(error.localizedDescription)")
第三,将 GoalCell
中的 configureCell
func configureCell(goal : Goal) {
self.goalDescriptionLabel.text = goal.goalDescription
self.goalTermLabel.text = goal.goalType
self.goalProgressLabel.text = "\(goal.goalProgressValue)"
self.goalIndex = goal.index
if lastIndex == nil {
lastIndex = 0
} else {
lastIndex = goalIndex
// I think you might just want the completionView to show again since it is just for the notification purpose.
if goal.goalProgressValue == goal.goalCompletionValue && !goal.goalCompleteViewShowed {
self.goalCompleteView.isHidden = false
} else {
self.goalCompleteView.isHidden = true
代码刚刚用您在 github 中上传的项目进行了测试。
我正在构建某种待办事项列表应用程序。易于使用的工具可帮助建立积极的例程、习惯、设定个人目标、跟踪您的进度。但是当我创建一个用户设置个人目标时,he/she 必须向左滑动,这是一个数字加起来就是用户的进度。我设法创造了它。但是当用户完成目标时,它会说完成目标,这很好,但我希望 Tableview Cell 更新并删除完成视图!
问题是它不从 uitableview 更新数据。请帮助我,非常感谢您抽出时间。
func configureCell(goal: Goal) {
self.goalDescriptionLbl.text = goal.goalDescription
self.goalDescriptionLbl2.text = goal.goalDescription2
self.goalProgressLbl.text = String(describing: goal.goalProgress)
if goal.goalProgress == goal.goalCompletion {
self.completionView.isHidden = false
} else {
self.completionView.isHidden = true
func setProgress(atIndexPath indexPath: IndexPath) {
guard let managedContext = appDelegate?.persistentContainer.viewContext else { return }
let chosenGoal = goals[indexPath.row]
if chosenGoal.goalProgress < chosenGoal.goalCompletion {
chosenGoal.goalProgress = chosenGoal.goalProgress + 1
} else {
do {
try managedContext.save()
print("Successfully set progress")
} catch {
debugPrint("Could not set progress: \(error.localizedDescription)")
func removeGoal(atIndexPath indexPath: IndexPath) {
guard let managedContext = appDelegate?.persistentContainer.viewContext else { return }
do {
try managedContext.save()
print("Successfully removed goal!")
} catch {
debugPrint("Could not remove: \(error.localizedDescription)")
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
leadingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UISwipeActionsConfiguration?
let addAction = UIContextualAction(style: .normal, title: "", handler: { (ac:UIContextualAction, view:UIView, success:(Bool) -> Void) in
self.setProgress(atIndexPath: indexPath)
tableView.reloadRows(at: [indexPath], with: .automatic)
addAction.image = UIImage(named: "Add1")
addAction.backgroundColor = #colorLiteral(red: 0.9529411765, green: 0.9607843137, blue: 0.9803921569, alpha: 1)
return UISwipeActionsConfiguration(actions: [addAction])
} }
// cellForRowAt indexPath
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
guard let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "goalCell") as? GoalCell else {
return UITableViewCell() }
let goal = goals[indexPath.row]
// pass class(Object) from GoalCell.swift file
// Core Data NS fetch - 4
cell.configureCell(goal: goal)
// Did select 2
cell.goalDescriptionLbl2?.text = ""
return cell
func fetch(completion: (_ complete: Bool) -> ()) {
guard let managedContext = appDelegate?.persistentContainer.viewContext else { return }
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest<Goal>(entityName: "Goal")
do {
goals = try managedContext.fetch(fetchRequest)
print("Successfully fetched data.")
} catch {
debugPrint("Could not fetch: \(error.localizedDescription)")
func setProgress(atIndexPath indexPath : IndexPath) {
guard let managedContext = appDelegate?.persistentContainer.viewContext else { return }
let selectedGoal = goals[indexPath.row]
if selectedGoal.goalProgressValue < selectedGoal.goalCompletionValue - 1 {
selectedGoal.goalProgressValue = selectedGoal.goalProgressValue + 1
} else {
// By the time the code executing, goal is met.
selectedGoal.goalProgressValue = selectedGoal.goalProgressValue + 1
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1.0) {
// the code in the block is all about hiding the completion view
selectedGoal.goalCompleteViewShowed = true
do {
try managedContext.save()
self.tableView.reloadRows(at: [indexPath], with: UITableView.RowAnimation.automatic)
} catch {
debugPrint("Couldn't set progress. \(error.localizedDescription)")
do {
try managedContext.save()
} catch {
debugPrint("Couldn't set progress. \(error.localizedDescription)")
第三,将 GoalCell
中的 configureCell
func configureCell(goal : Goal) {
self.goalDescriptionLabel.text = goal.goalDescription
self.goalTermLabel.text = goal.goalType
self.goalProgressLabel.text = "\(goal.goalProgressValue)"
self.goalIndex = goal.index
if lastIndex == nil {
lastIndex = 0
} else {
lastIndex = goalIndex
// I think you might just want the completionView to show again since it is just for the notification purpose.
if goal.goalProgressValue == goal.goalCompletionValue && !goal.goalCompleteViewShowed {
self.goalCompleteView.isHidden = false
} else {
self.goalCompleteView.isHidden = true
代码刚刚用您在 github 中上传的项目进行了测试。