如何从 Retrofit、RxJava 中的所有请求发出多个请求和响应,Android

How to make multiple request and responses from all the requests in Retrofit, RxJava, Android

我有一个场景,我想为多个设备调用相同的 API 并在完成所有请求后显示结果。 我正在使用改造 2。 我对 RxJava 知之甚少。我认为 zip 运算符适合这个。所以实现如下。

API 在 ApiInterface 中:

@PUT(AppConstants.BASE_URL + AppConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + "/user/endpoint")
Observable<ResponseBody> updateInfo(@Header("Authorization") String token, @Query("device_id") String deviceId, @Body JsonObject body);

这里是一个调用API的方法。它在 Map 中获取设备 ID 及其主体。此方法为 Map 中可用的每个设备 ID 调用 API。

public void updateAllInfo(final HashMap<String, String> deviceIdMap, final ApiResponseListener listener) {

    List<Observable<ResponseBody>> requests = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<String> reqIdList = new ArrayList<>();

    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {

        String deviceId = entry.getKey();
        String jsonBodyStr = entry.getValue();
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        JsonObject jsonBody = gson.fromJson(jsonBodyStr, JsonObject.class);

        requests.add(apiInterface.updateSchedules("accessToken", deviceId, jsonBody));

    Observable.zip(requests, new Function<Object[], List<ResponseBody>>() {

        public List<ResponseBody> apply(Object[] objects) throws Exception {

            Log.e("onSubscribe", "apply : " + objects.length);
            List<ResponseBody> dataResponses = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Object o : objects) {
                dataResponses.add((ResponseBody) o);
            return dataResponses;
            .subscribe(new Consumer<List<ResponseBody>>() {

                public void accept(List<ResponseBody> responseBodies) throws Exception {
                    Log.e("onSubscribe", "YOUR DATA IS HERE: " + responseBodies.size());
                    for (int i = 0; i < responseBodies.size(); i++) {
                        Log.e(TAG, "Response received for " + i + " is : " + responseBodies.get(i).string());
            }, new Consumer<Throwable>() {
                public void accept(Throwable throwable) throws Exception {
                    Log.e("onSubscribe", "Throwable: " + throwable);

我想获得每个设备 ID 的响应(成功/失败)。意味着我需要响应以及调用 API 的 ID。 使用 zip 运算符,如果任何 API 失败,则在 accept(Throwable throwable) 方法中收到失败。如果任何 API 失败,我认为 zip 运算符不会调用下一个 API.


还需要一些东西来指示响应是针对哪个请求/设备 id(一些映射)来显示结果。

我可以使用其他运算符来代替 zip 吗?



创建一个帮助程序 class,它将包括 ResponseBodydeviceId:

data class IdentifiedResponseBody(
    val deviceId: String, 
    val responseBody: ResponseBody?


// change the signature of your requests list to return IdentifiedResponseBody observables
val requests = mutableListOf<Observable<IdentifiedResponseBody>>()
// your stated API have updateInfo instead of updateSchedules, but I will assume they have the same signature
    apiInterface.updateSchedules("accessToken", deviceId, jsonBody)
        .map { responseBody ->
            // map the added observable to return IdentifiedResponseBody
            IdentifiedResponseBody(deviceId, responseBody)
        .onErrorReturn { error -> 
            // return an item here instead of throwing error, so that the other observables will still execute
            IdentifiedResponseBody(deviceId, null)


        // it's a question if you want to observe these on main thread, depends on context of your application
            { identifiedResponse ->
                // here you get both the deviceId and the responseBody
                Log.d("RESPNOSE", "deviceId=${identifiedResponse.deviceId}, body=${identifiedResponse.responseBody}")
                if (responseBody == null || responseBody.hasError()) {
                    // request for this deviceId failed, handle it
            { error ->
                Log.e("onSubscribe", "Throwable: " + error)



您应该看到其中的显着差异:zip 将您对映射函数定义的单个项目(即您的案例中的响应列表)的响应组合在一起,而 merge 单独发出所有响应,当时他们 returned。在此处 zip 的情况下,合并结果是 return 在所有请求完成的时刻(且仅);你可能不想要这种行为,就好像单个请求不会 return 响应一样,你根本不会得到任何响应。


java 等价物应如下所示,但在尝试之前进行修改,因为我不确定是否正确转换了所有内容:

    apiInterface.updateSchedules("accessToken", deviceId, jsonBody)
                .map(new Function<ResponseBody, IdentifiedResponseBody>() {
                    public IdentifiedResponseBody apply(ResponseBody responseBody) throws Exception {
                        return new IdentifiedResponseBody(deviceId, responseBody);
                .onErrorReturn(new Function<Throwable, IdentifiedResponseBody>() {
                    public IdentifiedResponseBody apply(Throwable throwable) throws Exception {
                        return new IdentifiedResponseBody(deviceId, null);

            .subscribe(new Consumer<IdentifiedResponseBody>() {
                           public void accept(IdentifiedResponseBody identifiedResponseBody) throws Exception {
                               // same logic as from kotlin part
                    new Consumer<Throwable>() {
                        public void accept(Throwable throwable) throws Exception {
                            Log.e("onSubscribe", "Throwable: " + throwable);

更新 2


Is there any way from which I can get final callback for all requests completed

这就是使用 Observable 而不是 Single/Completable 的问题,除非您明确关闭通道或抛出错误,否则它不会完成。在理想情况下,Observable 应该用于连续发出一些数据的流,例如到 Room DB 的开放通道,因为不知道数据库会更改多少次。我承认在你的情况下似乎很难应用 Observable 以外的东西。但是有一个解决方法:

    // emits only this much items, then close this channel
    // executed when the channel is closed or disposed
    .doFinally {
         // todo: finalCallback

代码又是Kotlin,改成java应该不难。请检查 Observable.take() 的作用:http://reactivex.io/documentation/operators/take.html