Kendo Angular 网格:响应式表单值为空
Kendo Angular Grid: Reactive forms value is empty
我目前正在构建一个基于 Kendo Angular Grid 组件的可编辑网格。
我还使用 Reactive Forms 向 Grid 提供表单数据,如 this example 所示。其实我的代码和例子不太一样,不能使用command栏(设计组禁用)
现在,一切正常,除了 form.value
<!-- my-grid.component.html -->
<!-- Code voluntary simplified to improve readability -->
[selectable]="{ mode: 'single', checkboxOnly: false, enabled: true }"
<ng-template kendoGridToolbarTemplate>
<button (click)="editHandler()">Edit</button>
<button (click)="saveHandler()">Save</button>
<kendo-grid-checkbox-column [width]="48" [style]="{ 'text-align': 'center' }"></kendo-grid-checkbox-column>
*ngFor="let column of columns"
// my-grid.component.ts
// Code voluntary simplified to improve readability
editHandler(): void {
const form = {};
.forEach((c) => {
const fc = new FormControl(this.selectedRow[c.field]);
Object.defineProperty(form, c.field, { value: fc, writable: true }); // I can't know in advance what would be the columns of my grid...
this.currentForm = new FormGroup(form); // at this moment, the FormGroup is correctly built.
this._grid.editRow(this.selectedRowIndex, this.currentForm);
saveHandler(): void {
const formValue = this.currentForm.value; // yields {} instead of { myField1: 1, myField2: 2 }...
// ...
- angular: 9.1.11
- kendo-angular-网格:4.7.2
如有任何帮助,我们将不胜感激。 :)
嗯,出于某种原因,将 enumerable
属性设置为 true 即可解决问题。
Object.defineProperty(form, c.field, { value: fc, writable: true, enumerable: true });
我目前正在构建一个基于 Kendo Angular Grid 组件的可编辑网格。
我还使用 Reactive Forms 向 Grid 提供表单数据,如 this example 所示。其实我的代码和例子不太一样,不能使用command栏(设计组禁用)
现在,一切正常,除了 form.value
<!-- my-grid.component.html -->
<!-- Code voluntary simplified to improve readability -->
[selectable]="{ mode: 'single', checkboxOnly: false, enabled: true }"
<ng-template kendoGridToolbarTemplate>
<button (click)="editHandler()">Edit</button>
<button (click)="saveHandler()">Save</button>
<kendo-grid-checkbox-column [width]="48" [style]="{ 'text-align': 'center' }"></kendo-grid-checkbox-column>
*ngFor="let column of columns"
// my-grid.component.ts
// Code voluntary simplified to improve readability
editHandler(): void {
const form = {};
.forEach((c) => {
const fc = new FormControl(this.selectedRow[c.field]);
Object.defineProperty(form, c.field, { value: fc, writable: true }); // I can't know in advance what would be the columns of my grid...
this.currentForm = new FormGroup(form); // at this moment, the FormGroup is correctly built.
this._grid.editRow(this.selectedRowIndex, this.currentForm);
saveHandler(): void {
const formValue = this.currentForm.value; // yields {} instead of { myField1: 1, myField2: 2 }...
// ...
- angular: 9.1.11
- kendo-angular-网格:4.7.2
如有任何帮助,我们将不胜感激。 :)
嗯,出于某种原因,将 enumerable
属性设置为 true 即可解决问题。
Object.defineProperty(form, c.field, { value: fc, writable: true, enumerable: true });