如何根据 python 中列的标签计算均值和中位数

how to calculate mean and median based on label of a column in python


price   type      status
2       shoes      none
3       clothes    none
6       clothes    none
3       shoes      none
4       shoes      none
6       shoes      none
2       clothes    none
3       shoes      none
6       clothes    none
8       clothes    done

基本上,每当写完“状态”时,我想根据“类型”计算均值和中位数。 到目前为止,我所做的是首先根据状态“完成”创建一个组,然后我计算组的平均值和中位数,如下面的脚本:

g = df['status'].eq('done').iloc[::-1].cumsum().iloc[::-1]
grouper = df.groupby(g)
df_statistics = grouper.agg(
               mean = ('price', 'mean')
              ,median = ('price', 'median')
df_freq = df.groupby(g).apply(lambda x: x['price'].value_counts().idxmax())



我认为您需要将列名传递给列表,然后传递给 groupby:

grouper = df.groupby([g, 'type'])