销毁 class python 的对象

destroy object of class python

你好,如果满足 if 语句的条件(在一段时间内)

,我正在尝试销毁一个 class 对象
global variablecheck

class createobject:
        def __init__(self,userinput):
             self.userinput = input
        def method(self):
             while True:
                if self.userinput == variablecheck
                     print('the object created using this class is still alive')
                    print('user object created using class(createobject) is dead')
                    #what code can i put here to delete the object of this class?

这样想:您是在使用内部方法请求 class 到 self-destruct,这有点像试图吃掉自己的嘴。

幸运的是,Python 具有垃圾收集功能,这意味着一旦所有引用超出范围,您的 class 将自动销毁。

如果你需要在实例被销毁时做一些特定的事情,你仍然可以覆盖 __del__() 这将 有点 像析构函数一样。这是一个愚蠢的例子:

class SelfDestruct:
    def __init__(self):
        print("Hi! I'm being instanciated!")
    def __del__(self):
        print("I'm being automatically destroyed. Goodbye!")

    def do_stuff(self):
        print("I'm doing some stuff...") 

现在,尝试在本地范围(例如函数)中实例化此 class:

def make_a_suicidal_class():
    my_suicidal_class = SelfDestruct()
    for i in range(5):
    return None


>>> make_suicidal_class()
"Hi! I'm being instanciated!"
"I'm doing some stuff..."
"I'm doing some stuff..."
"I'm doing some stuff..."
"I'm doing some stuff..."
"I'm doing some stuff..."
"I'm being automatically destroyed. Goodbye!"

如果你的 class 是在全局范围内实例化的,那么在你的程序结束之前它不会被销毁。

此外,应该注意手动调用 __del__() 析构函数并不会真正销毁对象。这样做:

foo = SelfDestruct()


"Hi! I'm being instanciated!"
"I'm being automatically destroyed. Goodbye!"
"I'm doing some stuff..."

ergo,实例还是有脉搏的。。。如果真的需要防止实例在当前范围内再次被引用,就得调用del foo 这样做。

尽管如前所述,Python 实际上是 reference-counts classes 和变量。因此,如果您的 class 对象在别处被使用,调用 del foo 将不会真正从内存中释放它。

python 文档中有详尽的解释 https://docs.python.org/2.5/ref/customization.html

"del x" doesn't directly call x.del() -- the former decrements the reference count for x by one, and the latter is only called when x's reference count reaches zero.

长话短说:别想了!让 python 处理内存管理。垃圾收集的全部意义在于不再担心变量的生命周期!