从 -many to many- 连接到 -one to many- 关系检索集合的最佳方法 (laravel7)

best way to retrive a collection from -many to many- connected to -one to many- relation (laravel7)


此设计的目标是让管理员能够将 alerts 发送到 users,并通过 centerfield(动态)过滤。如果您认为这是一个糟糕的设计,请告诉我(请说出为什么以及我应该如何改进我的设计)。


    $userAlerts = collect();

    auth()->user()->branch()->first()->groups()->get()->each(function ($item, $key) use ($userAlerts) {
        $item->alerts()->get()->each(function ($item, $key) use ($userAlerts) {



    $alerts = auth()->user()->branch()->groups()->alerts() // i want this // method 1

    $alerts = auth()->user()->alerts() //or maybe this // method 2

我可以在不更改数据库的情况下做这样的事情吗? (方法 1 或 2)。

您可以在分支模型上使用 laravel 的默认 Has Many Through 来选择关联的警报

class Branch extends Model

    public function alerts()
        return $this->hasManyThrough(
            'branch_id', // Foreign key on alert table...
            'group_id', // Foreign key on group table...
            'id', // Local key on branch table...
            'id' // Local key on group table...



$alerts = auth()->user()->branch()->alerts()

或者您可以使用第三方包 eloquent-has-many-deep,它可以轻松地在多个相关模型上扩展 hasManyThrough

class User extends Model
    use \Staudenmeir\EloquentHasManyDeep\HasRelationships;

    public function alerts()
        return $this->hasManyDeep(
            ['App\Models\Branch', 'App\Models\Group'], // Intermediate models, beginning at the far parent (User).
               'user_id', // Foreign key on the "branch" table.
               'branch_id',    // Foreign key on the "group" table.
               'group_id'     // Foreign key on the "alert" table.
              'id', // Local key on the "user" table.
              'id', // Local key on the "branch" table.
              'id'  // Local key on the "group" table.


$alerts = auth()->user()->alerts()


class User extends Model
    public function alerts()
        return $this->belongsTO('App\Branch', 'branch_id')
            ->join('branch_group', 'branches.id', '=', 'branch_group.branch_id')
            ->join('alerts', 'branch_group.group_id', '=', 'alerts.group_id')
