
How do I completely remove colorama from this?

我从一个朋友那里得到了这个代码,但是因为他在 linux 他里面有 colorama 并且它对我不起作用使得阅读变得困难 and/or 当颜色出现时复制和粘贴结果代码就在那里。我需要编辑什么才能让 colorama 不在其中?

import requests
import json
import sys
import struct
import socket
import colorama
from colorama import Fore

indent = "  "

def ip2bin(ip):  # Credit to converter
    binary = bin(struct.unpack('!I', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0])
    return binary

def arg_length():
    return len(sys.argv)

def print_help():
    print("** ipl -i <ip> - Gets information from an IP address")
    print("** ipl -h - Displays this page.")

def lookup(ip):
    print("Looking up IP address \"" + str(ip) + "\"..")

    re = requests.get("https://ipinfo.io/" + str(ip) + "/json")

    j = json.loads(re.content)

    postal = ''
    loc = ''
    hostname = ''

    print("IP Information:")

    for key, value in j.items():
        maininfo = True
        if str(key) == "error":
            print("Error: Invalid IP address")
        if str(key) != "readme":
            if key == "postal":
                postal = value
                maininfo = False
            if key == "loc":
                loc = value
                maininfo = False
            if key == 'hostname':
                loc = value
                maininfo = False
            if maininfo:
                print(indent + key, "-", Fore.BLUE + value + Fore.WHITE)

    binary = ip2bin(ip).replace('0b', '')

    ipClass = 'Class '

    if binary.startswith("0"):
        ipClass += 'A'

    elif binary.startswith('10'):
        ipClass += 'B'

    elif binary.startswith('110'):
        ipClass += 'C'

    elif binary.startswith('1110'):
        ipClass += 'D'

    elif binary.startswith('1111'):
        ipClass += 'E'

    print("Additional Information:")
    print(indent + "IP Class: " + Fore.BLUE + ipClass + Fore.WHITE)
    print(indent + "Postal Code: " + Fore.BLUE + postal + Fore.WHITE)
    print(indent + "Long/Lat: " + Fore.BLUE + loc + Fore.WHITE)
    if not hostname == '':
        print("Hostname: " + hostname)

if arg_length() == 1 or arg_length() == 2:
if arg_length() == 3:
    if str(sys.argv[1]) == "-i":

只需删除所有使用的 colorama 和 Fore,如下所示:

import requests
import json
import sys
import struct
import socket

indent = "  "

def ip2bin(ip):  # Credit to converter
    binary = bin(struct.unpack('!I', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0])
    return binary

def arg_length():
    return len(sys.argv)

def print_help():
    print("** ipl -i <ip> - Gets information from an IP address")
    print("** ipl -h - Displays this page.")

def lookup(ip):
    print("Looking up IP address \"" + str(ip) + "\"..")

    re = requests.get("https://ipinfo.io/" + str(ip) + "/json")

    j = json.loads(re.content)

    postal = ''
    loc = ''
    hostname = ''

    print("IP Information:")

    for key, value in j.items():
        maininfo = True
        if str(key) == "error":
            print("Error: Invalid IP address")
        if str(key) != "readme":
            if key == "postal":
                postal = value
                maininfo = False
            if key == "loc":
                loc = value
                maininfo = False
            if key == 'hostname':
                loc = value
                maininfo = False
            if maininfo:
                print(indent + key, "-", value)

    binary = ip2bin(ip).replace('0b', '')

    ipClass = 'Class '

    if binary.startswith("0"):
        ipClass += 'A'

    elif binary.startswith('10'):
        ipClass += 'B'

    elif binary.startswith('110'):
        ipClass += 'C'

    elif binary.startswith('1110'):
        ipClass += 'D'

    elif binary.startswith('1111'):
        ipClass += 'E'

    print("Additional Information:")
    print(indent + "IP Class: " + ipClass)
    print(indent + "Postal Code: " + postal)
    print(indent + "Long/Lat: " + loc)
    if not hostname == '':
        print("Hostname: " + hostname)

if arg_length() == 1 or arg_length() == 2:
if arg_length() == 3:
    if str(sys.argv[1]) == "-i":

我认为人们对你投反对票是因为你表现出缺乏努力。但是,我花了 20 秒来解决您的问题,所以我不介意回答。


如果您在导入 colorama 后调用 colorama 的 init 函数,它应该 ensure that the output is Windows-compatible(假设您在 Windows)。

On Windows, calling init() will filter ANSI escape sequences out of any text sent to stdout or stderr, and replace them with equivalent Win32 calls.

import colormama
from colorama import Fore
from colorama import init


# The rest of the module 