卡在拒绝和更新循环 Google play console

Stuck with reject and update loop Google play console


得知此事后不久,我在 Google Play 控制台上更改了我的应用说明。但是,该应用程序的列表未更新。通常,商品详情会在您发布新版本时更新。



Reason for rejection

Your app has been rejected and wasn't published due to a policy violation. If you submitted an update, the previous version of your app is still available on Google Play.

Support reply

Step 1: Fix the policy violation with your app

During review, we found that your app appears to use popular brands, characters, and other assets associated with patterns of harmful behavior or high risk of abuse and determined your app to have a high risk profile.

For example, your app’s description currently contains the use of popular brands.

Play Store link

提票详细说明隐私政策问题,支持给出了更直接的拒绝应用更新的理由。在我的例子中,它在应用程序描述中使用了品牌名称。我在我的应用说明中使用了“Google 联系人”,其中包含 Google 这个词是违反游戏政策的。