如何使用 php 显示 woocommerce 购物车,但通过添加图标和更改文本对其进行自定义

How to show woocommerce shopping cart with php but customize it by adding an icon and changing the text

请帮助我,我想在我的 wordpress 网站上显示一个带有自定义文本和图标的 woocommerce 购物车。我正在使用此源代码作为参考:https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/show-cart-contents-total/

我在前端展示它,它看起来像上面 link 的源代码,但我想用里面的图标展示它,我也想改变文本,为 'products' 而不是 'items'


<a class="cart-customlocation" href="<?php echo wc_get_cart_url(); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'View your shopping cart' ); ?>">
<?php echo sprintf ( _n( '<i class="fa fa-cart"></i>Cart  %d product', '<i class="fa fa-cart"></i>Cart  %d products s', WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count() ), WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count() ); ?> - <?php echo WC()->cart->get_cart_total(); ?></a>


add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_fragments', 'woocommerce_header_add_to_cart_fragment' 

function woocommerce_header_add_to_cart_fragment( $fragments ) {
global $woocommerce;


<a class="cart-customlocation" href="<?php echo esc_url(wc_get_cart_url()); ?>" title="<?php _e('View your shopping cart', 'woothemes'); ?>"><?php echo sprintf(_n('%d item', '%d items', $woocommerce->cart->cart_contents_count, 'woothemes'), $woocommerce->cart->cart_contents_count);?> - <?php echo $woocommerce->cart->get_cart_total(); ?></a>
$fragments['a.cart-customlocation'] = ob_get_clean();
return $fragments; }

这是标记的简单示例。您需要使用 css.



<a href="<?php echo wc_get_cart_url(); ?>" class="basketicon" title="<?php _e( 'View your shopping cart' ); ?>">
    <span class="basketicon__icon"></span>
    <span class="basketicon__total">
        <?php echo sprintf ( _n( '%d item', '%d items', WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count() ), WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count() ); ?> - <?php echo WC()->cart->get_cart_total(); ?>


    margin: 0 30px 0 0;
    padding: 0 30px 0 0;
    display: inline-flex;
    align-items: center;
    position: relative;

    @media (min-width: $lg){
        margin: 0 30px 0 0;
        padding: 0 30px 0 0;

        @media (min-width: $lg){
            content: '';
            position: absolute;
            right: -10px;
            width: 20px;
            height: 1px;
            background: #fff;
            content: url(../images/basket.svg);
            height: 10px;
            width: 10px;
            display: block;
        display: none;
        color: #fff;
        font-size: rem(16);
        margin: 0 0 0 10px;

        @media (min-width: $lg){
            font-size: rem(12);
            display: inline-block;
        @media (min-width: $xl){
            font-size: rem(14);
        @media (min-width: $xxxl){
            font-size: rem(15);
                    transform: scale(0.8);