BEAM 中的同步调用 Trick/Ref 技巧是什么

What is the Synchronous Call Trick/Ref Trick in BEAM

我们最近在阅读 BEAM book as part of our reading group. In Chapter 7 引用了 Erlang 中的 trick/Synchronous Call Trick。

不幸的是,这本书不完整,经过讨论我们无法弄清楚 ref 技巧是什么。

执行 receive 时,BEAM VM 会扫描邮箱以找到第一个合适的(匹配的)消息,如果找不到则阻塞进程。
'trick'是因为新引用不可能在创建之前就在邮箱中,所以receive {Reference, Term}时不需要扫描整个邮箱,只需要从Reference 已创建。

The compiler recognizes code that uses a newly created reference (ref) in a receive (see [ref_trick_code]), and emits code to avoid the long inbox scan since the new ref can not already be in the inbox.