这个 sql 是否命中了 MySql 复合索引?

Is MySql composite index hit for this sql?

我有一个table:student_homework,它的复合索引之一是uk_sid_lsnid_version(student_id, lesson_id, curriculum_version, type):

student_homework    0   uk_sid_lsnid_version    1   student_id  A   100             BTREE       
student_homework    0   uk_sid_lsnid_version    2   lesson_id   A   100             BTREE       
student_homework    0   uk_sid_lsnid_version    3   curriculum_version  A   100             BTREE       
student_homework    0   uk_sid_lsnid_version    4   type    A   100             BTREE   

现在我有一个 Sql: select * from student_homework where student_id=100 and type=1explain 结果如下:

1   SIMPLE  student_homework        ref uk_sid_lsnid_version,idx_student_id_update_time uk_sid_lsnid_version    4   const   20  10.0    Using index condition



               /       \
           lesson_id     lesson_id
            /                      \  
     curriculum_version          curriculum_version
       /            \
      type         type

对于查询条件(student_id,type),student_id匹配树索引的根。然而,type 与索引 lesson_id 不匹配,数据库引擎将在 所有记录 上应用 type,这些记录已被 [=19] 过滤=].

  1. 我的理解对吗?如果带有student_id的子集记录很大,查询成本仍然很高。
  2. 查询条件student_id=100和type=0没有区别type=0和student_id=100
  3. 为了充分利用复合索引,如果我添加一个新的复合索引会更好(student_id, type)?

是的,您的理解是正确的,mysql 将使用 uk_sid_lsnid_version 索引仅匹配 student_id,而对 type 的过滤将在减少的在 student_id.


提示在解释结果的extra列:Using index condition

Using index condition (JSON property: using_index_condition)

Tables are read by accessing index tuples and testing them first to determine whether to read full table rows. In this way, index information is used to defer (“push down”) reading full table rows unless it is necessary. See Section, “Index Condition Pushdown Optimization”.

Section, “Index Condition Pushdown Optimization 将此技术的步骤描述为:

  1. Get the next row's index tuple (but not the full table row).
  2. Test the part of the WHERE condition that applies to this table and can be checked using only index columns. If the condition is not satisfied, proceed to the index tuple for the next row.
  3. If the condition is satisfied, use the index tuple to locate and read the full table row.
  4. Test the remaining part of the WHERE condition that applies to this table. Accept or reject the row based on the test result.


如果当前索引的查询速度很好,那么您可能不需要新索引。您还需要权衡有多少其他查询会使用该索引——为一个查询创建索引没有多大意义。您还需要权衡 type 字段的选择性。具有有限值列表的类型字段通常选择性不够。 Mysql 可能决定使用索引条件下推,因为 student_id,类型索引不是覆盖索引,并且 mysql 无论如何都必须获取整行。