更新分发时出现 Cloudfront 异常 "The If-Match version is missing or not valid for the resource."
Cloudfront exception "The If-Match version is missing or not valid for the resource." when updating distribution
使用 AWS Node SDK 更新 Cloudfront 分发时,出现以下异常:
'The If-Match version is missing or not valid for the resource.',
code: 'InvalidIfMatchVersion',
time: 2020-08-23T19:37:22.291Z,
requestId: '43a7707f-7177-4396-8013-4a704b7b11ea',
statusCode: 400,
retryable: false,
retryDelay: 57.05741843025996 }
发生此错误是因为您需要先使用 cloudfront.getDistributionConfig
获取当前分发配置,然后将 ETag
和 DistributionConfig
字段复制到您的 cloudfront.updateDistribution
调用中。您根据需要修改 DistributionConfig
文档对此的解释做得很差(说明是针对 REST API 而不是您正在使用的实际 SDK)。
以下是更新要禁用的 Cloudfront 分发的示例,方法是拉取最新的分发配置,修改它,然后使用它执行更新:
async function disable_cloudfront_distribution(dist_id) {
// We need to pull the previous distribution config to update it.
const previous_distribution_config = await cloudfront.getDistributionConfig({
Id: dist_id
const e_tag = previous_distribution_config.ETag;
// Update config to be disabled
previous_distribution_config.DistributionConfig.Enabled = false;
// Create update distribution request with distribution ID
// and the copied config along with the returned etag for ifmatch.
const params = {
Id: dist_id,
DistributionConfig: previous_distribution_config.DistributionConfig,
IfMatch: e_tag
return cloudfront.updateDistribution(params).promise();
使用 AWS Node SDK 更新 Cloudfront 分发时,出现以下异常:
'The If-Match version is missing or not valid for the resource.',
code: 'InvalidIfMatchVersion',
time: 2020-08-23T19:37:22.291Z,
requestId: '43a7707f-7177-4396-8013-4a704b7b11ea',
statusCode: 400,
retryable: false,
retryDelay: 57.05741843025996 }
发生此错误是因为您需要先使用 cloudfront.getDistributionConfig
获取当前分发配置,然后将 ETag
和 DistributionConfig
字段复制到您的 cloudfront.updateDistribution
调用中。您根据需要修改 DistributionConfig
文档对此的解释做得很差(说明是针对 REST API 而不是您正在使用的实际 SDK)。
以下是更新要禁用的 Cloudfront 分发的示例,方法是拉取最新的分发配置,修改它,然后使用它执行更新:
async function disable_cloudfront_distribution(dist_id) {
// We need to pull the previous distribution config to update it.
const previous_distribution_config = await cloudfront.getDistributionConfig({
Id: dist_id
const e_tag = previous_distribution_config.ETag;
// Update config to be disabled
previous_distribution_config.DistributionConfig.Enabled = false;
// Create update distribution request with distribution ID
// and the copied config along with the returned etag for ifmatch.
const params = {
Id: dist_id,
DistributionConfig: previous_distribution_config.DistributionConfig,
IfMatch: e_tag
return cloudfront.updateDistribution(params).promise();