在里面放一个 va_list 变量...一个变量参数列表(!)

Put a va_list variable inside... a variable argument list (!)

我想设计一个函数,它接受可变数量的参数,其中一个参数本身就是一个 va_list;但是我的代码出了点问题,我不明白是什么...


为了解释我的问题,让我们从一个简单的例子开始:即一个函数ffprintf,它的作用类似于fprintf,但将其内容写入多个字符串,字符串的编号由ffprintf 的第一个参数,其身份由紧接着的参数给出(这些参数的数量可能因一次调用而异,因此您必须使用可变参数列表)。这样的函数可以这样使用:

FILE *stream0, *stream1, *stream2;
int a, b;
ffprintf (3, stream0, stream1, stream2, "%d divided by %d worths %f", a, b, (double)a / b);


void ffprintf (int z, ...)
 {va_list vlist, auxvlist;
  FILE **streams = malloc (z * sizeof(FILE *));
  va_start (vlist, z);
  for (int i = 0; i < z; ++i)
   {streams[i] = va_arg (vlist, FILE *); // Getting the next stream argument
  char const *format = va_arg (vlist, char const *); // Getting the format argument
  for (int i = 0; i < z; ++i)
   {va_copy (auxvlist, vlist); // You have to work on a copy "auxvlist" of "vlist", for otherwise "vlist" would be altered by the next line
    vfprintf (streams[i], format, auxvlist);
    va_end (auxvlist);
  va_end (vlist);
  free (streams);

效果很好。现在,还有标准函数 vfprintf,其原型是 vfprintf (FILE *stream, char const* format, va_list vlist);,您可以像这样使用它来创建另一个具有可变参数列表的函数:

void fprintf_variant (FILE *stream, char const* format, ...)
  va_list vlist;
  va_start (vlist, format);
  vfprintf (stream, format, vlist);
  va_end (vlist);

这也很好用。现在,我的目标是结合这两种想法来创建一个我称之为 vffprintf 的函数,您可以像这样使用它:

FILE *stream0, *stream1, *stream2;
void fprintf_onto_streams012 (char const *format, ...)
 {va_list vlist;
  va_start (vlist, format);
  vffprintf (3, stream0, stream1, stream2, format, vlist);
  va_end (vlist);


void vffprintf (int z, ...)
 {va_list vlist, auxvlist, auxauxvlist;
  va_start (vlist, z);
  FILE **streams = malloc (z * sizeof(FILE *));
  for (int i = 0; i < z; ++i)
   {streams[i] = va_arg (vlist, FILE *);
  char const *format = va_arg (vlist, char const *);
  va_copy (auxvlist, va_arg (vlist, va_list)); // Here I get the next argument of "vlist", knowing that this argument is of "va_list" type
  for (int i = 0; i < z; ++i)
   {va_copy (auxauxvlist, auxvlist);
    vfprintf (streams[i], format, auxvlist);
    va_end (auxauxvlist);
  va_end (auxvlist);
  va_end (vlist);
  free (streams);


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

void vffprintf (int z, ...)
 {va_list vlist, auxvlist, auxauxvlist;
  FILE **streams = malloc (z * sizeof(FILE *));
  va_start (vlist, z);
  for (int i = 0; i < z; ++i)
   {streams[i] = va_arg (vlist, FILE *);
  char const *format = va_arg (vlist, char const *);
  va_copy (auxvlist, va_arg (vlist, va_list));
  for (int i = 0; i < z; ++i)
   {va_copy (auxauxvlist, auxvlist);
    vfprintf (streams[i], format, auxauxvlist);
    va_end (auxauxvlist);
  va_end (auxvlist);
  va_end (vlist);
  free (streams);

void printf_variant (char const *format, ...)
 {va_list vlist;
  va_start (vlist, format);
  vffprintf (1, stdout, format, vlist);
  va_end (vlist);

int main (void)
 {printf_variant ("Ramanujan's number is %d.\n", 1729);
  return 0;




void vffprintf (int z, ...)
  va_copy (auxvlist, va_arg (vlist, va_list));//this line has the problem 


  void vffprintf (int z, ...)
  va_copy (auxvlist, va_arg (vlist, void*));


1) Pass va_list or pointer to va_list?

2) Is GCC mishandling a pointer to a va_list passed to a function?

3) What is the format of the x86_64 va_list structure?



if type is not compatible with the type of the actual next argument (as promoted according to the default argument promotions), the behavior is undefined

va_list 可以是数组类型(标准要求它是所谓的“完整对象类型”),您的实现似乎利用了这种可能性。您可能知道,在 C 中,数组不能作为参数传递,因为它们会退化为指针,并且此类指针的类型与原始数组类型不兼容。

例如:int *int [1] 不兼容。因此,如果您确实需要可移植地传递数组或 va_list,则定义一个带有 va_list 成员的 struct 并传递它(参见 Why can't we pass arrays to function by value?)。

如果要使用 va_arg():

检索它,您可能需要将类型 va_list 包装到结构中
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

typedef struct
    va_list list ;  
} my_list ;

void vffprintf (int z, ...)
 {my_list vlist, auxvlist, auxauxvlist;
  FILE **streams = malloc (z * sizeof(FILE *));
  va_start (vlist.list, z);
  for (int i = 0; i < z; ++i)
   {streams[i] = va_arg (vlist.list, FILE *);
  char const *format = va_arg (vlist.list, char const *);
  my_list parent = va_arg (vlist.list, my_list) ;
  va_copy (auxvlist.list, parent.list );
  for (int i = 0; i < z; ++i)
   {va_copy (auxauxvlist.list, auxvlist.list);
    vfprintf (streams[i], format, auxauxvlist.list);
    va_end (auxauxvlist.list);
  va_end (auxvlist.list);
  va_end (vlist.list);
  free (streams);

void printf_variant (char const *format, ...)
 {my_list vlist;
  va_start (vlist.list, format);
  vffprintf (1, stdout , format, vlist);
  va_end (vlist.list);

int main (void)
 {printf_variant ("Ramanujan's number is %d.\n", 1729 );
  return 0;


va_arg (vlist, va_list)

所以你告诉 va_arg 你得到了一个数组,但如果事实上传递的 va_list 已经衰减为一个指针。你应该使用 va_list 的指针版本,但你不知道 va_list 的真正定义,所以你无法获得它的指针版本。

解决方案是将 va_list 包装到您控制的类型中,一个结构。