这是使用 Nim ref 数据结构的有效方法吗?

Is this efficient way to use Nim ref data structure?



下面的数据结构是否适合建模?整个 listmap.



import tables

  Company = object
    name:        string
    symbol:      string
    description: string

  CompaniesRef = ref object
    list: seq[Company]
    map:  Table[string, Company]

# Cached data structure to keep thousands of different companies
var cached_companies: CompaniesRef
proc companies(): CompaniesRef =
  if cached_companies == nil:
    # Here will be a proper code of loading companies into the 
    # CompaniesRef data structure
    cached_companies = CompaniesRef()

# Lots of operations of getting a specific company from the list
# or from the map by its symbol
for i in 1..1000:
  # it's ok if individual company will be copied by value,
  # but the whole list should be passed by reference
  let company1 = companies().list[0].name

  # it's ok if individual company will be copied by value
  # but the whole map should be passed by reference
  let company2 = companies().map["MSFT"]

那个全局结构应该没问题,一个对象引用只是一个内存管理指针,所以传递它的引用只会复制内存地址。除非你打算用那个指针做点什么,为什么不把它创建为一个全局指针呢?将它隐藏在 I'm-afraid-of-globals-but-can't-live-without-them-singleton 模式的 proc 调用后面。

let companies = CompaniesRef()

关于结构的内容,每个 Company 对象存储两次,您可能希望在 Table 中存储对 Company 的引用或简单地使用OrderedTable 如果您需要保持插入键的顺序。