BiometricPromptCompat:禁用 Iris/Face 识别(仅允许指纹)

BiometricPromptCompat: Disable Iris/Face recognition (only allow fingerprints)

我有一个应用程序使用 BiometricPrompt 来实现基于生物识别的身份验证。我注意到有些设备提供 Iris/Face 识别作为指纹扫描的一个选项。


authenticate 方法中传递 CryptoObject 以启用强身份验证。 在Android中,face/Iris和Fingerprint.


根据最新的 Android 生物识别 API 文档,没有办法只允许指纹扫描。



While both strong and weak biometrics will be allowed to unlock a device, weak biometrics:

  • Require the user to re-enter their primary PIN, pattern, password or a strong biometric to unlock a device after a 4-hour window of inactivity, such as when left at a desk or charger. This is in addition to the 72-hour timeout that is enforced for both strong and weak biometrics.

  • Are not supported by the forthcoming BiometricPrompt API, a common API for app developers to securely authenticate users on a device in a modality-agnostic way.

  • Can't authenticate payments or participate in other transactions that involve a KeyStore auth-bound key.

  • Must show users a warning that articulates the risks of using the biometric before it can be enabled.

These measures are intended to allow weaker biometrics, while reducing the risk of unauthorized access.