如何在使用 Google 单元测试时在 C 中存根 fgets

how to stub fgets in C while using Google Unit Test

我目前被指派对我在介绍性训练营期间完成的一些问题进行单元测试,但我在理解 'stub' 或 'mock' 的概念时遇到了问题。

我正在使用 Google 单元测试,训练营中的问题在 C 中得到解决。

int validate_input(uint32_t *input_value)

char      input_buffer[1024] = {0}; 
char                *endptr = NULL;
int         was_read_correctly = 1;

printf("Give the value for which to print the bits: ");

* Presuming wrong input from user, it does not signal:
* - number that exceeds the range of uint_32 (remains to be fixed)
* For example: 4294967295 is the max value of uint_32 ( and this can be also confirmed by the output )
* If bigger numbers are entered the actual value seems to reset ( go back to 0 and upwards.)

if (NULL == fgets(input_buffer, 1024, stdin)) 
    was_read_correctly = 0;
    if ('-' == input_buffer[0])
            fprintf(stderr,"Negative number not allowed.\n");
            was_read_correctly = 0;

errno = 0; 

if (1 == was_read_correctly)
    *input_value = strtol(input_buffer, &endptr, 10);

    if (ERANGE == errno) 
        fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, this number is too small or too large.\n");
        was_read_correctly = 0;
    else if (endptr == input_buffer)
            fprintf(stderr,"Incorrect input.\n(Entered characters or characters and digits.)\n");
            was_read_correctly = 0;
    else if (*endptr && '\n' != *endptr)
            fprintf(stderr,"Input didn't get wholely converted.\n(Entered digits and characters)\n");
            was_read_correctly = 0;

        fprintf(stderr,"Input was not read correctly.\n");
         was_read_correctly = 0;

return was_read_correctly;

我应该如何 think/plan 在 C 中对类似 fgets/malloc 的函数进行存根处理?而且,如果不是太多,应该如何考虑这样的功能来测试?



#ifndef STUBS_H_
#define STUBS_H_
#include "../src/p1.h"
char* fgets_stub(char *s, int size, FILE *stream);
#define fgets fgets_stub
#include "../src/p1.c"
char* fgets_RET;


#include "stubs.h"

char* fgets_stub(char *s, int size, FILE *stream)
    if (NULL != fgets_RET)
    return fgets_RET;

如何在 test.cpp 中进行测试:

    uint32_t tester = 0;
    char* dummy_char = new char[NUM_OF_BITS];



    fgets_RET = dummy_char;


如果测试者希望强制 fgets 为 NULL return:

    uint32_t tester = 0;
    fgets_RET = NULL;



免责声明:这只是为 GoogleTest 模拟 C 函数的一种方法。当然还有其他方法。

模拟 C 函数的问题在于 GoogleTest 的工作方式。它所有很酷的功能都基于派生 C++ class 来模拟和覆盖它的方法。这些方法也必须是虚拟的。但是 C 函数不是任何 class 的成员,只剩下虚函数。

我们发现并成功使用它来提供一种包装器 class 的方式,其中包括与 C 函数具有相同原型的方法。此外,此 class 将指向其自身实例的指针作为静态 class 变量。在某种意义上,这类似于单例模式,具有其所有特性,无论好坏。

每个测试实例化此 class 的一个对象并将此对象用于常见检查。

最后,C 函数被实现为调用单个实例的同类方法的存根。

假设我们有这些 C 函数:

// cfunction.h

#ifndef C_FUNCTION_H
#define C_FUNCTION_H

extern "C" void cf1(int p1, void* p2);

extern "C" int cf2(void);



// CFunctionMock.h


#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"

#include "cfunction.h"

class CFunctionMock
    static CFunctionMock* instance;

    CFunctionMock() {
        instance = this;

    ~CFunctionMock() {
        instance = nullptr;

    MOCK_METHOD(void, cf1, (int p1, void* p2));

    MOCK_METHOD(int, cf2, (void));



这是模拟 class 的实现,包括替换 C 函数。所有函数都检查单个实例是否存在。

// CFunctionMock.cpp

#include "CFunctionMock.h"

CFunctionMock* CFunctionMock::instance = nullptr;

extern "C" void cf1(int p1, void* p2) {
    ASSERT_NE(CFunctionMock::instance, nullptr);
    CFunctionMock::instance->cf1(p1, p2);

extern "C" int cf2(void) {
    if (CFunctionMock::instance == nullptr) {
        ADD_FAILURE() << "CFunctionMock::instance == nullptr";
        return 0;

    return CFunctionMock::instance->cf2();

在 non-void 函数上,您不能使用 ASSERT_NE,因为它会因错误而退出,并使用简单的 return。因此,对现有实例的检查更加详细。你也应该考虑一个好的默认值 return。


// SomeTest.cpp

#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"

using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::Return;

#include "CFunctionMock.h"

#include "module_to_test.h"

TEST(AGoodTestSuiteName, AndAGoodTestName) {
    CFunctionMock mock;

    EXPECT_CALL(mock, cf1(_, _))
    EXPECT_CALL(mock, cf2())

    // any call of module_to_test that calls (or not) the C functions

    // any EXPECT_...


我又看了一遍这个问题,得出的结论是需要一个更直接的例子。所以我们开始吧!我喜欢尽可能多地使用 Googletest 背后的魔力,因为它使扩展变得更加容易。绕过它感觉就像在对抗它。

哦,我的系统是 Windows 10 with MinGW64.

我是 Makefile 的粉丝:

TESTS := Test

WARNINGLEVEL := -Wall -Wextra

CC := gcc

CXX := g++
CXXFLAGS := $(WARNINGLEVEL) -std=c++11 -g -O3 -pthread

LD := g++
LDFLAGS := $(WARNINGLEVEL) -g -pthread
LIBRARIES := -lgmock_main -lgtest -lgmock

GTESTFLAGS := --gtest_color=no --gtest_print_time=0

all: $(TESTS:%=%.exe)

run: all $(TESTS:%=%.log)

%.o: %.c
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

%.o: %.cpp
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -I./include -c $< -o $@

%.exe: %.o
    $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -L./lib $(LIBRARIES) -o $@

%.log: %.exe
    $< $(GTESTFLAGS) > $@ || type $@

Test.exe: module_to_test.o FgetsMock.o

这些 Makefile 可以轻松添加更多测试、模块等任何内容,并记录所有选项。根据您的喜好扩展它。



// module_to_test.c

#include <errno.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "module_to_test.h"

// all the rest is as in the OP's source...


// module_to_test.h

#include <stdint.h>

int validate_input(uint32_t *input_value);


mock class 仿照上面的例子。启用“馈送”字符串我添加了参数化操作。

// FgetsMock.h

#ifndef FGETS_MOCK_H
#define FGETS_MOCK_H

#include <cstring>

#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"

ACTION_P(CopyFromSource, source)
    memcpy(arg0, source, arg1);

class FgetsMock
    static FgetsMock* instance;

        instance = this;

        instance = nullptr;

    MOCK_METHOD(char*, fgets, (char*, int, FILE*));


它的实现文件很简单,并提供模拟的 C 函数。

// FgetsMock.cpp

#include <stdio.h>

#include "FgetsMock.h"

FgetsMock* FgetsMock::instance = nullptr;

extern "C" char* fgets(char* str, int num, FILE* stream)
    if (FgetsMock::instance == nullptr)
        ADD_FAILURE() << "FgetsMock::instance == nullptr";
        return 0;

    return FgetsMock::instance->fgets(str, num, stream);


这里有一些测试示例。不幸的是,module-to-test 使用了 stdoutstderr,它们不是那么容易捕获和测试的。您可能想阅读有关“死亡测试”的内容或提供您自己的重定向方法。在内核中,功能的设计不是很好,因为它没有考虑到测试。

// Test.cpp

#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"

using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::DoAll;
using ::testing::Ge;
using ::testing::NotNull;
using ::testing::Return;
using ::testing::ReturnArg;

#include "FgetsMock.h"

extern "C"
#include "module_to_test.h"

TEST(ValidateInput, CorrectInput)
    const char input[] = "42";
    const int input_length = sizeof input;
    FgetsMock mock;
    uint32_t number;

    EXPECT_CALL(mock, fgets(NotNull(), Ge(input_length), stdin))

    int result = validate_input(&number);

    EXPECT_EQ(result, 1);
    EXPECT_EQ(number, 42U);

TEST(ValidateInput, InputOutputError)
    FgetsMock mock;
    uint32_t dummy;

    EXPECT_CALL(mock, fgets(_, _, _))

    int result = validate_input(&dummy);

    EXPECT_EQ(result, 0);

TEST(ValidateInput, NegativeInput)
    const char input[] = "-23";
    const int input_length = sizeof input;
    FgetsMock mock;
    uint32_t dummy;

    EXPECT_CALL(mock, fgets(NotNull(), Ge(input_length), stdin))

    int result = validate_input(&dummy);

    EXPECT_EQ(result, 0);

TEST(ValidateInput, RangeError)
    const char input[] = "12345678901";
    const int input_length = sizeof input;
    FgetsMock mock;
    uint32_t dummy;

    EXPECT_CALL(mock, fgets(NotNull(), Ge(input_length), stdin))

    int result = validate_input(&dummy);

    EXPECT_EQ(result, 0);

TEST(ValidateInput, CharacterError)
    const char input[] = "23fortytwo";
    const int input_length = sizeof input;
    FgetsMock mock;
    uint32_t dummy;

    EXPECT_CALL(mock, fgets(NotNull(), Ge(input_length), stdin))

    int result = validate_input(&dummy);

    EXPECT_EQ(result, 0);

构建和运行 测试

这是我的 (Windows) 控制台在新构建和测试时的输出:

> make run
gcc -Wall -Wextra -g -O3 -c module_to_test.c -o module_to_test.o
g++ -Wall -Wextra -std=c++11 -g -O3 -pthread -I./include -c FgetsMock.cpp -o FgetsMock.o
g++ -Wall -Wextra -std=c++11 -g -O3 -pthread -I./include -c Test.cpp -o Test.o
g++ -Wall -Wextra -g -pthread Test.o module_to_test.o FgetsMock.o -L./lib -lgmock_main -lgtest -lgmock -o Test.exe
Test.exe --gtest_color=no --gtest_print_time=0 > Test.log || type Test.log
Input was not read correctly.
Negative number not allowed.
Input was not read correctly.
Sorry, this number is too small or too large.
Input didn't get wholely converted.
(Entered digits and characters)
rm Test.o

您会看到 C 函数 stderr 的输出。


Running main() from gmock_main.cc
[==========] Running 5 tests from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 5 tests from ValidateInput
[ RUN      ] ValidateInput.CorrectInput
Give the value for which to print the bits: [       OK ] ValidateInput.CorrectInput
[ RUN      ] ValidateInput.InputOutputError
Give the value for which to print the bits: [       OK ] ValidateInput.InputOutputError
[ RUN      ] ValidateInput.NegativeInput
Give the value for which to print the bits: [       OK ] ValidateInput.NegativeInput
[ RUN      ] ValidateInput.RangeError
Give the value for which to print the bits: [       OK ] ValidateInput.RangeError
[ RUN      ] ValidateInput.CharacterError
Give the value for which to print the bits: [       OK ] ValidateInput.CharacterError
[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 5 tests from 1 test suite ran.
[  PASSED  ] 5 tests.

由于 stdout 上的输出与 Googletest 的输出混淆。