用于求解 ODE 系统的 Runge-Kutta 4 Python

Runge-Kutta 4 for solving systems of ODEs Python

我为 Runge-Kutta 4 编写了代码来求解 ODE 系统。
它适用于一维 ODE 但是当我尝试解决 x'' + kx = 0 我在尝试定义矢量函数时遇到问题:

u1 = xu2 = x' = u1',那么系统看起来像:

u1' = u2
u2' = -k*u1

如果u = (u1,u2)f(u, t) = (u2, -k*u1),那么我们需要求解:

u' = f(u, t)
def f(u,t, omega=2):
    u, v = u
    return np.asarray([v, -omega**2*u])


import numpy as np

def ode_RK4(f, X_0, dt, T):    
    N_t = int(round(T/dt))
    #  Create an array for the functions ui 
    u = np.zeros((len(X_0),N_t+1)) # Array u[j,:] corresponds to the j-solution
    t = np.linspace(0, N_t*dt, N_t + 1)
    # Initial conditions
    for j in range(len(X_0)):
        u[j,0] = X_0[j]
    # RK4
    for j in range(len(X_0)):
        for n in range(N_t):
            u1 = f(u[j,n] + 0.5*dt* f(u[j,n], t[n])[j], t[n] + 0.5*dt)[j]
            u2 = f(u[j,n] + 0.5*dt*u1, t[n] + 0.5*dt)[j]
            u3 = f(u[j,n] + dt*u2, t[n] + dt)[j]
            u[j, n+1] = u[j,n] + (1/6)*dt*( f(u[j,n], t[n])[j] + 2*u1 + 2*u2 + u3)
    return u, t

def demo_exp():
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    def f(u,t):
        return np.asarray([u])

    u, t = ode_RK4(f, [1] , 0.1, 1.5)
    plt.plot(t, u[0,:],"b*", t, np.exp(t), "r-")
def demo_osci():
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    def f(u,t, omega=2):
        # u, v = u Here I've got a problem
        return np.asarray([v, -omega**2*u])
    u, t = ode_RK4(f, [2,0], 0.1, 2)
    for i in [1]:
        plt.plot(t, u[i,:], "b*")


模型是这样的: enter image description here

摘自 Langtangen 的《计算编程》一书 - Python。

您走在正确的道路上,但是当将 time-integration 方法(例如 RK)应用于向量值 ODE 时,基本上与标量情况完全相同,只是使用向量。

因此,您跳过 for j in range(len(X_0)) 循环和关联的索引,并确保将初始值作为向量(numpy 数组)传递。

还稍微清理了 t 的索引并将解决方案存储在列表中。

import numpy as np

def ode_RK4(f, X_0, dt, T):    
    N_t = int(round(T/dt))
    # Initial conditions
    usol = [X_0]
    u = np.copy(X_0)
    tt = np.linspace(0, N_t*dt, N_t + 1)
    # RK4
    for t in tt[:-1]:
        u1 = f(u + 0.5*dt* f(u, t), t + 0.5*dt)
        u2 = f(u + 0.5*dt*u1, t + 0.5*dt)
        u3 = f(u + dt*u2, t + dt)
        u = u + (1/6)*dt*( f(u, t) + 2*u1 + 2*u2 + u3)
    return usol, tt

def demo_exp():
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    def f(u,t):
        return np.asarray([u])

    u, t = ode_RK4(f, np.array([1]) , 0.1, 1.5)
    plt.plot(t, u, "b*", t, np.exp(t), "r-")
def demo_osci():
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    def f(u,t, omega=2):
        u, v = u 
        return np.asarray([v, -omega**2*u])
    u, t = ode_RK4(f, np.array([2,0]), 0.1, 2)
    u1 = [a[0] for a in u]
    for i in [1]:
        plt.plot(t, u1, "b*")