要求用户在提交表单前点击 google 的新验证码

Require User to click google's new recaptcha before form submission

我在我的表单中使用 google 的新验证码 (HTML5): https://www.google.com/recaptcha

有没有办法在提交表单之前根据需要检查和标记recaptcha? 我想在客户端而不是服务器端验证这一点。这样,我就不必返回到表单并警告用户不要为验证码输入任何内容。

我可以用来检查用户是否在 recaptcha 中输入任何内容的任何 javascript?


$("form").submit(function(event) {

   var recaptcha = $("#g-recaptcha-response").val();
   if (recaptcha === "") {
      alert("Please check the recaptcha");


grecaptcha.getResponse() - Returns Recaptcha 的响应。您可以在


grecaptcha.getResponse(opt_widget_id) === ""

可选的小部件 ID,如果未指定,则默认为创建的第一个小部件。


使用 Ankesh 和 Lammert 的部分解决方案的普通 JavaScript 实现:

var form = document.getElementById('ctct-custom-form');
form.addEventListener("submit", function(event){
    if (grecaptcha.getResponse() === '') {                            
      alert('Please check the recaptcha');
, false);

感谢表单提交监听器代码:How can I listen to the form submit event in javascript?

我试图改进 rylanb 的回答。下面的代码找到页面中所有已激活 g-captcha 的表单并阻止提交。 注意:它假定您的 div.g-recaptchaform

的 child
const forms = document.querySelectorAll('div.g-recaptcha');
forms.forEach(form=> {
    const formParentElement = form.parentElement;

    formParentElement.addEventListener("submit", e => {
        if (grecaptcha.getResponse() === '') {
            alert('Please check the recaptcha');
    }, false)


    <button class="theme-btn" type="button" onclick="checkForm()" id="sign_up_button" >

现在创建一个 Java 脚本函数来更改验证时提交的类型。

<script type="text/javascript">

// 验证码功能

    function checkForm(){
            alert("Please Prove ! You're not a Robot");
            return false;
            document.getElementById("sign_up_button").type = "submit";                
            return true;


2022 年的工作解决方案


我在 .js 中的笔记应该彻底解释解决方案。


// By default do not allow form submission.
var allow_submit = false

function captcha_filled () {
     * This is called when Google get's the recaptcha response and approves it.
     * Setting allow_submit = true will let the form POST as normal.
     * */

    allow_submit = true

function captcha_expired () {
     * This is called when Google determines too much time has passed and expires the approval.
     * Setting allow_submit = false will prevent the form from being submitted.
     * */

    allow_submit = false

function check_captcha_filled (e) {
     * This will be called when the form is submitted.
     * If Google determines the captcha is OK, it will have
     * called captcha_filled which sets allow_submit = true
     * If the captcha has not been filled out, allow_submit
     * will still be false.
     * We check allow_submit and prevent the form from being submitted
     * if the value of allow_submit is false.
     * */

    // If captcha_filled has not been called, allow_submit will be false.
    // In this case, we want to prevent the form from being submitted.
    if (!allow_submit) {
        // This call prevents the form submission.
        // e.preventDefault()

        // This alert is temporary - you should replace it with whatever you want
        // to do if the captcha has not been filled out.
        alert('ERROR: Please verify you are human by filling out the captcha')

        return false
    return true


<form action="post" onsubmit="return check_captcha_filled()">
<!-- form items -->
<div class="g-recaptcha"
   data-sitekey="your site key">