如何在 folium 中绘制世界地图并在其上标明一些国家?

How to draw a world map in folium and indicate some countries on it?

谁能告诉我如何绘制世界地图并使用 matplotlib/folium 在地图上标出 10-15 个国家? 我下载了 'world-countries.json',所以得到了世界地图(在 Jupyter 笔记本中):

    import folium 
    import json
    import pandas as pd
    import pathlib
    world_path = pathlib.Path('world-countries.json')
    with open(world_path) as f:
        world = json.load(f)
    from folium import GeoJson
    m = folium.Map(tiles=None)
    data = pd.read_csv('15_countires.csv')

    map.choropleth(geo_data=world_path, data=data,
             fill_color='YlGnBu', fill_opacity=0.7, line_opacity=0.2)

但是如何在上面标明国家和颜色呢? 或者,也许,我可以不用 geojson,只使用 folium ?


  1. 如果每个国家都用不同的颜色覆盖就更好了。所以我从维基百科页面得到了国家颜色。这是大部分代码,来源。
  2. world-countries.json 中缺少国家/地区。特别是我居住的地方..
  3. 我使用 pandas 主要是因为我熟悉它来准备和使用数据。
import requests, json, re, folium
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd

# dynamically get the world-country boundaries 
res = requests.get("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-visualization/folium/master/examples/data/world-countries.json")
df = pd.DataFrame(json.loads(res.content.decode()))
df = df.assign(id=df["features"].apply(pd.Series)["id"],

# build a dataframe of country colours scraped from wikipedia
resp = requests.get("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_colours",)
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content.decode(), "html.parser")
colours = []
for t in soup.find_all("table", class_="wikitable"):
    cols = t.find_all("th")
    ok = (len(cols)>5 and cols[0].string.strip()=="Country" and cols[4].string.strip()=="Primary")
    if ok:
        for tr in t.find_all("tr"):
            td = tr.find_all("td")
            if len(td)>5:
                sp = td[4].find_all("span")
                c1 = re.sub("background-color:([\w,#,0-9]*).*", r"", sp[0]["style"])
                c2 = c1 if len(sp)==1 else re.sub("background-color:([\w,#,0-9]*).*", r"", sp[1]["style"])

dfc = pd.DataFrame(colours).set_index("country")  

# a list of interesting countries - Singapore is missing!
countries = ["Singapore","Malaysia","Indonesia","Vietnam","Philippines"]

# style the overlays with the countries own colors...
def style_fn(feature):
    cc = dfc.loc[feature["properties"]["name"]]
    ss= {'fillColor':f'{cc[0]}', 'color':f'{cc[1]}'}
    return ss

# create the base map
m = folium.Map(location = [1.34, 103.82],

# overlay desired countries over folium map
for r in df.loc[df["name"].isin(countries)].to_dict(orient="records"):
    folium.GeoJson(r["features"], name=r["name"], tooltip=r["name"], style_function=style_fn).add_to(m)
