
What is a more functional way of iteratively summing a list of values while capturing each intermediate result?

下面的代码按预期工作,但映射 lambda 不纯。我如何重构它以使其纯净。 (不需要坚持调用 map,我们可以在这里减少或其他任何东西,我只希望它是纯的)

    val entries = listOf(
        Pair(LocalDate.now().minusDays(2), 1), 
        Pair(LocalDate.now().minusDays(1), 2), 
        Pair(LocalDate.now().minusDays(0), 3) 

    private fun buildSumSchedule(entries: List<Pair<LocalDate, Double>>): Map<LocalDate, Double> {
        var runningSum = 0.0
        return entries.sortedBy { it.first }.map {
            runningSum += it.second
            it.copy(second = runningSum)

    val sumSchedule = buildSumSchedule(entries)


private fun buildSumSchedule(entries: List<Pair<LocalDate, Double>>): Map<LocalDate, Double> =
    entries.sortedBy { it.first }.scanReduce { pair, acc ->
        acc.copy(second = pair.second + acc.second)

来自 kotlin 1.4.0 runningReduce

private fun buildSumSchedule(entries: List<Pair<LocalDate, Double>>): Map<LocalDate, Double> =
    entries.sortedBy { it.first }.runningReduce{acc, pair ->
        acc.copy(second = pair.second + acc.second)