
Can't create a Object

我有一个包含多个 classes 的应用程序:

MenuActivity, MenuThread, MenuView, MenuBot, MenuBall.

在class "MenuView"中我声明了我需要的所有ib对象:

this.ball = new MenuBall(this, bot1);    
this.bot1 = new MenuBot1(this, ball);    
this.thread = new MenuThread(this,bot1,ball);

如您所见,我还没有创建对象 bot1,但我已经将它用作对象 ball 中的参数,这给了我错误。


您必须更改(或添加其他)MenuBall 和 MenuBot1 的构造函数。 因此,例如:

public class MenuBall {
    private MenuBot1 menuBot1;

    // this constructor doesn't need a MenuBot1 object.
    public MenuBall(MenuView menuView) {

    // setter for the menuBot1
    public void setMenuBot1(MenuBot1 menuBot1) {
        this.menuBot1 = menuBot1;


public class MenuBot1 {
    private MenuBall menuBall;

    // this constructor doesn't need a MenuBall object.
    public MenuBot1(MenuView menuView) {

    // setter for the menuBall
    public void setMenuBall(MenuBall menuBall) {
        this.menuBall = menuBall;



ball = new MenuBall(this);
bot1 = new MenuBot1(this);
thread = new MenuThread(this, bot1, ball);