Webroot 设置的 Certbot 身份验证器错误

Certbot authenticator error with webroot setting

我正在尝试使用 certbot 和 --webroot 设置获取 SSL 证书。我当前的命令是:

sudo certbot certonly --webroot -w <path> -d <URL> -d <*.URL>

每次我 运行 命令我都会得到这个错误:

Client with the currently selected authenticator does not support any combination of challenges that will satisfy the CA. You may need to use an authenticator plugin that can do challenges over DNS.
Client with the currently selected authenticator does not support any combination of challenges that will satisfy the CA. You may need to use an authenticator plugin that can do challenges over DNS.


我正在使用 ubuntu 18 和最新的 certbot 版本。我也试过 certbot-auto
