
Locale object creation issue

我有一个语言环境字符串 "fi_FI"。当我像这样创建一个新的 java.util.Locale 对象时 -

String myLocaleStr = "fi_FI";
Locale locale = new Locale(myLocaleStr);

-并使用 sysout 语句检查 locale 信息值,我观察到显示的 Locale 值是 "fi_fi" 而不是 "fi_FI".


Locale constructor you use considers the unique argument you pass is the language. Not a combination of language and country. Split the string, and use the other constructor,接受语言和国家:

String[] languageAndCountry = myLocaleStr.split("_");
Locale locale = new Locale(languageAndCountry[0], languageAndCountry[1]);

我不确定 Java 的较新版本,但构造函数如下所示:

/** * Construct a locale from language, country, variant. * NOTE: ISO 639 is not a stable standard; some of the language codes it defines * (specifically iw, ji, and in) have changed. This constructor accepts both the * old codes (iw, ji, and in) and the new codes (he, yi, and id), but all other * API on Locale will return only the OLD codes. * @param language lowercase two-letter ISO-639 code. * @param country uppercase two-letter ISO-3166 code. * @param variant vendor and browser specific code. See class description. * @exception NullPointerException thrown if any argument is null. */ public Locale(String language, String country, String variant) { this.language = convertOldISOCodes(language); this.country = toUpperCase(country).intern(); this.variant = variant.intern(); }

你看到国家代码将被设置为大写了吗?这是根据 ISO 标准。