Maven surefire 插件输出测试摘要xml?

Maven surefire plugin output test summary xml?

我所在的项目分别使用 Surefire 和 Failsafe maven 插件进行 运行 单元和集成测试。 failsafe 的输出在 target/failsafe/failsafe-summary.xml 中生成测试 运行 的摘要。我想从 surefire 获得类似的 .xml 摘要报告,但是我似乎只能在那里为每个测试套件获得一个 xml 文件。

是否可以配置 surefire 来执行此操作?

Maven Surefire Report Plugin


The Surefire Report Plugin parses the generated TEST-*.xml files under ${basedir}/target/surefire-reports and renders them using DOXIA, which creates the web interface version of the test results.


Generate the Report as Part of Project Reports

To generate the Surefire report as part of the site generation, add the following in the <reporting> section of your POM:


When mvn site is invoked, the report will automatically be included in the Project Reports menu as shown in the figure below.


Generate the Report in a Standalone Fashion

The plugin can also generate the report using its standalone goal:

mvn surefire-report:report A HTML report should be generated in ${basedir}/target/site/surefire-report.html.

欢迎光临! ;)

Is it possible to configure surefire to do this?

(创建 1 个报告 file/run 而不是 1 个/测试套件)

不,不是没有自定义 surefire/surefire-report 插件。


  • 编码
  • redirectTestOutputToFile
  • reportFormat(默认 - “brief”,或者 - “plain”(*.txt 文件))
  • reportNameSuffix
  • 报告目录

而 surefire-report 插件的唯一目的是生成 maven 报告 (html!)。

对于这种特殊需要,我建议使用自定义脚本或 (maven) 插件(基于上述之一 - 它们是开源的)。您还可以通过将所有测试 classes/suits 合并为一个来尝试“从源头解决问题”!? :)