SwaggerUI 响应示例不适用于 mediaType JSON

SwaggerUI Response Examples do not work with mediaType JSON

SwaggerUI 中似乎存在错误,因为一旦我将 @ExampleProperty 的媒体类型设置为 application/json,示例值就为空,如您在此处所见:

我尝试了几种方法,但 none 有效。据此,这似乎是一个流行的问题:https://github.com/springfox/springfox/issuesW/2352


      value = "Sends a request to the AiController to predict the request",
      produces = "application/json",
      consumes = "application/json",
      authorizations = @Authorization(value = "Bearer"))
      value = {
            code = 200,
            message = "Successfully retrieved predictions",
            examples =
                    value = {@ExampleProperty(mediaType = "application/json", value = "test")}))


      value = "Sends a request to the AiController to predict the request",
      produces = "application/json",
      consumes = "application/json",
      authorizations = @Authorization(value = "Bearer"))
      value = {
            code = 200,
            message = "Successfully retrieved predictions",
            examples =
                    value = {
                          mediaType = "application/json",
                          value = "{\"code\" : \"42\", \"message\" : \"Invalid ID supplied\"}")


      value = {
            code = 200,
            message = "Successfully retrieved predictions",
            examples =
                    value = {
                          value = "{'property': 'test'}",
                          mediaType = "application/json")

但是一旦我将 mediaType 更改为没有特定类型,它就会起作用:

      value = {
            code = 200,
            message = "Successfully retrieved predictions",
            examples =
                      mediaType = "*/*",
                      value = "{\n\"predictions\": [ \n \"cat\" \n]\n}")


"predictions": [ 


还有其他方法可以做一个@ApiResponse例子吗?我不能用我的 DTO 举个例子吗 (?):

    value = "Cat or Dog response",
    description = "Response of the prediction whether it's a cat or dog")
public class CatOrDogResponse {

  @ApiModelProperty(value = "Images to predict", example = "test", required = true)
  private String[] predictions;

我用过的 Spring Fox 版本:

compile group: 'io.springfox', name: 'springfox-swagger2', version: '3.0.0'
compile group: 'io.springfox', name: 'springfox-swagger-ui', version: '3.0.0'
compile group: 'io.springfox', name: 'springfox-boot-starter', version: '3.0.0'
compile group: 'io.springfox', name: 'springfox-data-rest', version: '3.0.0'
compile group: 'io.springfox', name: 'springfox-bean-validators', version: '3.0.0'

最后答案很简单。我在 GitHub 上找到了这个:https://github.com/springfox/springfox/issues/2538#issuecomment-637265748

该错误应该已修复,但仍未修复。要获得用于响应的示例值,需要调整 REST 类型的注释:

@PostMapping(value = "/predict", produces = "application/json", consumes = "application/json")


@ApiOperation(value = "Sends a request to the AiController to predict the request", response =
            CatOrDogResponse.class, authorizations = @Authorization(value = "Bearer"))
    @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Successfully retrieved predictions"),
            @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "You are not authorized to send a request"), @ApiResponse(code = 403,
            message = "Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden"), @ApiResponse(code = 404,
            message = "The resource you were trying to reach is not found")})
    @PostMapping(value = "/predict", produces = "application/json", consumes = "application/json")
    public Mono<CatOrDogResponse> predict(@RequestHeader HttpHeaders headers, @ApiParam(name = "Cat or Dog Prediction "
            + "Request", value = "Parameters for predicting whether an image or multiple images is/are a cat or dog") @Valid @RequestBody CatOrDogRequest catOrDogRequest) {

重要的是你像我一样在@ApiOperation中定义响应class:response = CatOrDogResponse.class

在响应 class 中定义响应的示例值:

@ApiModel(value = "Cat or Dog response", description = "Response of the prediction whether it's a cat or dog")
public class CatOrDogResponse {

    @ApiModelProperty(value = "Images to predict", example = "cat")
    private String[] predictions;

现在发生的变化是最终自动将响应类型声明为 application/json 而不是 */*。正确的缩进会自动工作。如您所见,我不再在 @ApiOperation 中使用 producesconsumes,因为它们没用。