为什么我不能在 Salesforce Visualforce 中循环访问 Wrapper class 的列表?

Why can't I iterate through a list of a Wrapper class in Salesforce Visualforce?

我正在尝试遍历包装器 class 内的记录列表,并将它们显示在 Visualforce 页面上。自定义对象称为 Campaign_Products__c,包装器 class 用于显示产品是否已被用户选择添加到“购物车”。

Apex 控制器代码(删除无关的位):

public with sharing class CONTROLLER_Store {
    public List<productOption> cpList           { get; set; }
    public class productOption {
        public Campaign_Product__c product;
        public Boolean inCart;
        public Integer quantity;
    public CONTROLLER_Store(){
        List<Campaign> cmpList = getCampaignWithProducts(CampaignId,''); 
        // method above calls a campaign with a related list of Campaign Product records
        if(cmpList.size() > 0){
            cmp         = cmpList[0];
            cpList      = new List<productOption>();
            for(Campaign_Product__c pro : cmp.Campaign_Products__r){
                productOption option = new productOption();
                option.product  = pro;
                option.inCart   = false;
                option.quantity = 0;
        } else {
            cmp         = new Campaign();
            CampaignId  = null;
            cpList      = new List<productOption>();

Visualforce 页面(删除了无关的位)

<apex:page controller="CONTROLLER_Store" >
    <apex:repeat value="{! cpList }" var="option">
        <apex:inputCheckbox value="{! option.inCart }"/>

我在尝试保存 visualforce 页面时遇到此错误:

Unknown property 'CONTROLLER_Store.productOption.product'

您也需要使包装器中的属性对 VF 可见。像

public class productOption {
    public Campaign_Product__c product {get; private set};
    public Boolean inCart {get; set};
    public Integer quantity {get; set};

(假设产品在 VF 中应该是只读的)。您需要这些访问修饰符或完整的 getter/setter 方法。