
How to restrict team members from merging the changes that they did in there forked repository to base repository?


实际上,我已经在一台电脑上试过了,我在浏览器上打开了主账户,在隐身选项卡上打开了另一个账户。并创建了从我的另一个帐户到主帐户的拉取请求,但在我的另一个帐户中,我可以选择将更改合并到我的主帐户的基本存储库,当我这样做时,更改会反映到我的主帐户 GitHub存储库也。



参见“About protected branches", more precisely "Defining the mergeability of pull requests

你可以强制“required reviews for pull request

Repository administrators can require that all pull requests receive a specific number of approving reviews from:

  • people with write or admin permissions in the repository
  • or from a designated code owner before they're merged into a protected branch.


You can create a branch rule in a repository for a specific branch, all branches, or any branch that matches a naming pattern specified with the fnmatch syntax.
For example, to require any branch containing the word release to have at least two pull request reviews before merging, you can create a branch rule for *release*.

您可以看到 fnmatch pattern here 的示例。
模式匹配的完整规范在 here, which leads to Patterns Matching a Single Character and Multiple Characters.

要保护存储库 GitHub 页面上的分支:

  1. 打开右上角的设置选项卡
  2. 单击 left-hand 列中的 分支机构
  3. Select 您想要 protect/restrict 访问的分支
  4. 分支保护规则右侧单击添加规则
  5. 分支名称模式字段是您要保护的分支的确切名称。
  6. select 合并前需要拉取请求审查 或 select 需要代码所有者审查
  7. 单击底部的绿色 创建 按钮即可完成!