Javascript 在 Jupyter 和服务器之间通过 IPython 内核直接通信

Direct communication between Javascript in Jupyter and server via IPython kernel

我正在尝试在 Jupyter 单元格内显示基于 Three.js 的交互式网格可视化工具。工作流程如下:

  1. 用户启动 Jupyter notebook,并在单元格中打开查看器
  2. 使用 Python 命令,用户可以手动添加网格并以交互方式为它们制作动画

实际上,主线程通过 ZMQ 套接字向服务器发送请求(每个请求都需要一个回复),然后服务器使用其他套接字对(许多“请求”)将所需数据发送回主线程,预计回复很少),它最终使用通过 ipython 内核的通信将数据发送到 Javascript 前端。到目前为止一切顺利,并且工作正常,因为消息都在同一个方向流动:

Main thread (Python command) [ZMQ REQ] -> [ZMQ REP] Server (Data) [ZMQ XREQ] -> [ZMQ XREQ] Main thread (Data) [IPykernel Comm] -> [Ipykernel Comm] Javascript (Display)


Main thread (Status request) --> Server (Status request) --> Main thread (Waiting for reply)
|                                                         |
<--------------------------------Javascript (Processing) <--

这一次,服务器向前端发送请求,在 return 中,前端不会直接将回复发送回服务器,而是发送给主线程,主线程会将回复转发给服务器,最后到主线程。

有一个明确的问题:主线程应该共同转发前端的回复并接收服务器的回复,这是不可能的。理想的解决方案是使服务器能够直接与前端通信,但我不知道该怎么做,因为我不能在服务器端使用 get_ipython().kernel.comm_manager.register_target。我尝试使用 jupyter_client.BlockingKernelClient 在服务器端实例化一个 ipython 内核客户端,但我没有设法使用它进行通信或注册目标。

好的,所以我现在找到了解决方案,但不是很好。确实只是等待回复并保持主循环忙碌,我添加了一个超时并将其与内核的 do_one_iteration 交织以强制处理消息:

while True:
        rep = zmq_socket.recv(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK).decode("utf-8")
    except zmq.error.ZMQError:

它可以工作,但不幸的是它不是真正的可移植的,它会扰乱 Jupyter 评估堆栈(所有排队的评估将在这里处理而不是按顺序处理)...


import zmq
import asyncio
import nest_asyncio


async def enforce_receive():
    await kernel.process_one(True)
    return zmq_socket.recv().decode("utf-8")
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
rep = loop.run_until_complete(enforce_receive())


这是 link 关于 Github, along with an example notebook 主题的一个问题。


我终于彻底解决了我的问题,没有缺点。诀窍是分析每条传入的消息。不相关的消息按顺序放回队列,而 comm-related 的消息被处理 on-the-spot:

class CommProcessor:
    @brief     Re-implementation of ipykernel.kernelbase.do_one_iteration
                to only handle comm messages on the spot, and put back in
                the stack the other ones.

    @details   Calling 'do_one_iteration' messes up with kernel
                'msg_queue'. Some messages will be processed too soon,
                which is likely to corrupt the kernel state. This method
                only processes comm messages to avoid such side effects.

    def __init__(self):
        self.__kernel = get_ipython().kernel
        self.qsize_old = 0

    def __call__(self, unsafe=False):
        @brief      Check once if there is pending comm related event in
                    the shell stream message priority queue.

        @param[in]  unsafe     Whether or not to assume check if the number
                                of pending message has changed is enough. It
                                makes the evaluation much faster but flawed.
        # Flush every IN messages on shell_stream only
        # Note that it is a faster implementation of ZMQStream.flush
        # to only handle incoming messages. It reduces the computation
        # time from about 10us to 20ns.
        shell_stream = self.__kernel.shell_streams[0]
        shell_stream.poller.register(shell_stream.socket, zmq.POLLIN)
        events = shell_stream.poller.poll(0)
        while events:
            _, event = events[0]
            if event:
                    shell_stream.socket, zmq.POLLIN)
                events = shell_stream.poller.poll(0)

        qsize = self.__kernel.msg_queue.qsize()
        if unsafe and qsize == self.qsize_old:
            # The number of queued messages in the queue has not changed
            # since it last time it has been checked. Assuming those
            # messages are the same has before and returning earlier.

        # One must go through all the messages to keep them in order
        for _ in range(qsize):
            priority, t, dispatch, args = \
            if priority <= SHELL_PRIORITY:
                _, msg = self.__kernel.session.feed_identities(
                    args[-1], copy=False)
                msg = self.__kernel.session.deserialize(
                    msg, content=False, copy=False)
                # Do not spend time analyzing already rejected message
                msg = None
            if msg is None or not 'comm_' in msg['header']['msg_type']:
                # The message is not related to comm, so putting it back in
                # the queue after lowering its priority so that it is send
                # at the "end of the queue", ie just at the right place:
                # after the next unchecked messages, after the other
                # messages already put back in the queue, but before the
                # next one to go the same way. Note that every shell
                # messages have SHELL_PRIORITY by default.
                    (SHELL_PRIORITY + 1, t, dispatch, args))
                # Comm message. Processing it right now.
                comm_handler = getattr(
                    self.__kernel.comm_manager, msg['header']['msg_type'])
                msg['content'] = self.__kernel.session.unpack(msg['content'])
                comm_handler(None, None, msg)

        self.qsize_old = self.__kernel.msg_queue.qsize()

process_kernel_comm = CommProcessor()