UGC 视频 post 到用户个人资料

UGC Video post to user profile

我正在尝试创建一个 UGC post,其中包含 LinkedIn 个人资料(而非公司)的视频。 当我创建公司时,它工作正常

当我 post 作为用户时,它失败了:

    "author": "urn:li:person:<profile-urn>",
    "lifecycleState": "PUBLISHED",
    "specificContent": {
        "com.linkedin.ugc.ShareContent": {
            "media": [
                    "media": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:<video-urn>",
                    "status": "READY"
            "shareCommentary": {
                "text": "Some share text"
            "shareMediaCategory": "VIDEO"
    "visibility": {
        "com.linkedin.ugc.MemberNetworkVisibility": "PUBLIC"


{"message":"com.linkedin.content.common.ResponseException: Writers of type person are not authorized to modify UserGeneratedContent.","status":401}

我检查了我正在使用的访问令牌,它正确地具有 r_member_socialw_member_social 权限。

UGC post 的个人资料是否有一些额外限制?是否有其他方法可以为个人资料(而非公司)制作视频 post?

我向 LinkedIn 支持台询问了这个问题。他们是这样说的:

We do not currently support UGC videos on personal feeds via the API. The author would have to be an organization URN rather than a person URN. UGC video for personal feeds is definitely something we want to support eventually. However, there's not a concrete plan on when this will be made available.

This is mentioned in our schema here: