
Optimal method to query number of times a user has an posted an entry

我有一个 table 例如,

Column     |   Type
id            integer
job_id        integer
user_id       integer
date_posted  datetime


    with user_jobs as (
                 select user_id, job_id, count(distinct date_posted) as num_posted
                 from table
                 group by user_id, job_id

Select SUM(Case when avg_num_posted > 1 then 1 end) as posted_multiple_times,
       SUM(Case when avg_num_posted = 1 then 1 end) as posted_once
    Select user_id, avg(num_posted) as avg_num_posted
    from user_jobs
    Group by user_id) t


如果我没理解错的话,您可以将不同作业的数量与 job/date 组合的数量进行比较。让我假设一份工作绝不会在同一日期发布两次。如果是这样的话:

Select sum(case when num_listings > num_jobs then 1 end) as posted_multiple_times,
       sum(case when num_listings = num_jobs then 1 end) as posted_once
from (select user_id, count(*) as num_listings, count(distinct job_id) as num_jobs
      from t
      group by user_id
     ) u;


Select sum(case when num_listings > num_jobs then 1 end) as posted_multiple_times,
       sum(case when num_listings = num_jobs then 1 end) as posted_once
from (select user_id, count(*) as num_listings,
             count(distinct job_id) as num_jobs
      from (select distinct user_id, job_id, date_posted from t) t
      group by user_id
     ) u;