pandas 如果股票数据仅在数据框中位于特定时间之间,则合并股票数据

pandas combine stock data if it falls between specific time only in dataframe

我有 2017 年到 2019 年每分钟的股票数据。 我只想保留每天 9:16 之后的数据 因此我想将 9:00 到 9:16 之间的任何数据转换为 9:16 的值 即:


                       open    high     low   close
2017-01-02 09:08:00  116.00  116.00  116.00  116.00
2017-01-02 09:16:00  116.10  117.80  117.00  113.00
2017-01-02 09:17:00  115.50  116.20  115.50  116.20
2017-01-02 09:18:00  116.05  116.35  116.00  116.00
2017-01-02 09:19:00  116.00  116.00  115.60  115.75
...                     ...     ...     ...     ...
2029-12-29 15:56:00  259.35  259.35  259.35  259.35
2019-12-29 15:57:00  260.00  260.00  260.00  260.00
2019-12-29 15:58:00  260.00  260.00  259.35  259.35
2019-12-29 15:59:00  260.00  260.00  260.00  260.00
2019-12-29 16:36:00  259.35  259.35  259.35  259.35


#Get data from/to 9:00 - 9:16 and create only one data item

convertPreTrade = df.between_time("09:00", "09:16") #09:00 - 09:16

#combine modified value to original data

df.loc[df.index.strftime("%H:%M") == "09:16" , 
    ["open","high","low","close"] ] = [convertPreTrade["open"][0],
                                        convertPreTrade['close'][-1] ] 


从 9:00 提取到 9:16。数据框按年、月和日分组,并根据 OHLC 值进行计算。该逻辑使用您的代码。最后,您在 9:16 处添加一个日期列。由于我们没有所有数据,我们可能遗漏了一些注意事项,但基本形式保持不变。

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import io

data = '''
date open high low close
"2017-01-02 09:08:00"  116.00  116.00  116.00  116.00
"2017-01-02 09:16:00"  116.10  117.80  117.00  113.00
"2017-01-02 09:17:00"  115.50  116.20  115.50  116.20
"2017-01-02 09:18:00"  116.05  116.35  116.00  116.00
"2017-01-02 09:19:00"  116.00  116.00  115.60  115.75
"2017-01-03 09:08:00"  259.35  259.35  259.35  259.35
"2017-01-03 09:09:00"  260.00  260.00  260.00  260.00
"2017-12-03 09:18:00"  260.00  260.00  259.35  259.35
"2017-12-04 09:05:00"  260.00  260.00  260.00  260.00
"2017-12-04 09:22:00"  259.35  259.35  259.35  259.35

df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data), sep='\s+')

df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
# 9:00-9:16
df_start = df[((df['date'].dt.hour == 9) & (df['date'].dt.minute >= 0)) & ((df['date'].dt.hour == 9) & (df['date'].dt.minute <=16))]
# calculate
df_new = (df_start.groupby([df['date'].dt.year, df['date'].dt.month, df['date']])
            .agg(open_first=('open', lambda x: x.iloc[0,]),
                 low_min=('low', 'min'),
                 close_shift=('close', lambda x: x.iloc[-1,])))
df_new.index.names = ['year', 'month', 'day']
df_new['date'] = df_new['year'].astype(str)+'-'+df_new['month'].astype(str)+'-'+df_new['day'].astype(str)+' 09:16:00'

year    month   day open_first  high_max    low_min close_shift date
0   2017    1   2   116.00  117.8   116.00  113.0   2017-1-2 09:16:00
1   2017    1   3   259.35  260.0   259.35  260.0   2017-1-3 09:16:00
2   2017    12  4   260.00  260.0   260.00  260.0   2017-12-4 09:16:00


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import io

data = '''
datetime open high low close
"2017-01-02 09:08:00"  116.00  116.00  116.00  116.00
"2017-01-02 09:16:00"  116.10  117.80  117.00  113.00
"2017-01-02 09:17:00"  115.50  116.20  115.50  116.20
"2017-01-02 09:18:00"  116.05  116.35  116.00  116.00
"2017-01-02 09:19:00"  116.00  116.00  115.60  115.75
"2017-01-03 09:08:00"  259.35  259.35  259.35  259.35
"2017-01-03 09:09:00"  260.00  260.00  260.00  260.00
"2017-01-03 09:16:00"  260.00  260.00  260.00  260.00
"2017-01-03 09:17:00"  261.00  261.00  261.00  261.00
"2017-01-03 09:18:00"  262.00  262.00  262.00  262.00
"2017-12-03 09:18:00"  260.00  260.00  259.35  259.35
"2017-12-04 09:05:00"  260.00  260.00  260.00  260.00
"2017-12-04 09:22:00"  259.35  259.35  259.35  259.35

df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data), sep='\s+')


df['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['datetime'])
df = df.set_index('datetime')
df['date'] =
dates = np.unique(

first_rows = df.between_time('9:16', '00:00').reset_index().groupby('date').first().set_index('datetime')
first_rows['date'] =

dffs = []
for d in dates:
    df_day = df[df['date'] == d].sort_index()
    first_bar_of_the_day = first_rows[first_rows['date'] == d].copy()
    bars_until_first = df_day.loc[df_day.index <= first_bar_of_the_day.index.values[0]]
    if ~first_bar_of_the_day.empty:
        first_bar_of_the_day['open'] = bars_until_first['open'].values[0]
        first_bar_of_the_day['high'] = bars_until_first['high'].max()
        first_bar_of_the_day['low'] = bars_until_first['low'].min()
        first_bar_of_the_day['close'] = bars_until_first['close'].values[-1]
    bars_after_first = df_day.loc[df_day.index > first_bar_of_the_day.index.values[0]]
    if len(bars_after_first) > 1:
        dff = pd.concat([first_bar_of_the_day, bars_after_first])
        dff = first_bar_of_the_day.copy()
combined_df = pd.concat([x for x in dffs])


                       open    high    low   close        date
2017-01-02 09:16:00  116.00  117.80  116.0  113.00  2017-01-02
2017-01-02 09:17:00  115.50  116.20  115.5  116.20  2017-01-02
2017-01-02 09:18:00  116.05  116.35  116.0  116.00  2017-01-02
2017-01-02 09:19:00  116.00  116.00  115.6  115.75  2017-01-02
                       open   high     low  close        date
2017-01-03 09:16:00  259.35  260.0  259.35  260.0  2017-01-03
2017-01-03 09:17:00  261.00  261.0  261.00  261.0  2017-01-03
2017-01-03 09:18:00  262.00  262.0  262.00  262.0  2017-01-03
                      open   high     low   close        date
2017-12-03 09:18:00  260.0  260.0  259.35  259.35  2017-12-03
                      open   high     low   close        date
2017-12-04 09:22:00  260.0  260.0  259.35  259.35  2017-12-04


                       open    high     low   close        date
2017-01-02 09:16:00  116.00  117.80  116.00  113.00  2017-01-02
2017-01-02 09:17:00  115.50  116.20  115.50  116.20  2017-01-02
2017-01-02 09:18:00  116.05  116.35  116.00  116.00  2017-01-02
2017-01-02 09:19:00  116.00  116.00  115.60  115.75  2017-01-02
2017-01-03 09:16:00  259.35  260.00  259.35  260.00  2017-01-03
2017-01-03 09:17:00  261.00  261.00  261.00  261.00  2017-01-03
2017-01-03 09:18:00  262.00  262.00  262.00  262.00  2017-01-03
2017-12-03 09:18:00  260.00  260.00  259.35  259.35  2017-12-03
2017-12-04 09:22:00  260.00  260.00  259.35  259.35  2017-12-04


d = {'date': 'last', 'open': 'last',
     'high': 'max', 'low': 'min', 'close': 'last'}

# df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
s1 = df.between_time('09:00:00', '09:16:00')
s2 = s1.reset_index().groupby('date')

df1 = pd.concat([df.drop(s1.index), s2]).sort_index()



                      open   high    low  close
2017-01-02 09:08:00  116.0  116.0  116.0  116.0
2017-01-02 09:16:00  116.1  117.8  117.0  113.0

使用 DataFrame.groupbydate 上对过滤后的数据帧 s1 进行分组,并使用字典 d:

                      open   high    low  close
2017-01-02 09:16:00  116.1  117.8  116.0  113.0

使用DataFrame.drop to drop the rows from the original datframe df that falls between the time 09:00-09:16, then use pd.concat to concat it with s2, finally use DataFrame.sort_index排序索引:

                       open    high     low   close
2017-01-02 09:16:00  116.10  117.80  116.00  113.00
2017-01-02 09:17:00  115.50  116.20  115.50  116.20
2017-01-02 09:18:00  116.05  116.35  116.00  116.00
2017-01-02 09:19:00  116.00  116.00  115.60  115.75
2019-12-29 15:57:00  260.00  260.00  260.00  260.00
2019-12-29 15:58:00  260.00  260.00  259.35  259.35
2019-12-29 15:59:00  260.00  260.00  260.00  260.00
2019-12-29 16:36:00  259.35  259.35  259.35  259.35
2029-12-29 15:56:00  259.35  259.35  259.35  259.35