使用 asParallel 与 async function() 迭代集合

Iterating on collection using asParallel vs async function()

在尝试了解如何使用并行性和并发性时 在对这些方法进行基准测试时,我正在比较使用三种不同方法花费大量时间的列表登录 但是这三种方法现在让我很困惑:

am asking what is going on with this code?

public class LookUpCollections

        private const int N = 3;
        private readonly List<int> _list;
        public LookUpCollections()
            _list = new List<int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)

        public void ListLookup() => _list.ForEach(x => Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)));

        public void ListLookupAsParallel() => _list.AsParallel<int>().ForAll((x) =>  

        public async IAsyncEnumerable<int> ListLookupAsync()
            foreach (var item in _list)
                Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); // the method will complete before 2sec delay 
                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); // some asynchronous work
                yield return item;


这里是benchmark results


BenchmarkDotNet=v0.12.1, OS=Windows 10.0.19041.450
.NET Core SDK=3.1.401
 [Host]    : .NET Core 2.1.21 
 DefaultJob : .NET Core 2.1.21
                Method                  Mean              Error             StdDev  
|--------------------- |--------------------:|-----------------:|-----------------:|
|           ListLookup | 6,027,116,440.00 ns | 6,926,407.532 ns | 6,478,965.903 ns |
| ListLookupAsParallel | 2,008,655,313.33 ns | 5,275,609.028 ns | 4,934,807.958 ns |
|      ListLookupAsync |            27.47 ns |         0.611 ns |         1.632 ns |                                                                                                          

  LookUpCollections.ListLookupAsync: Default -> 6 outliers were removed (37.39 ns..40.15 ns) 
// * Legends * 
Mean   : Arithmetic mean of all measurements
Error  : Half of 99.9% confidence interval
StdDev : Standard deviation of all measurements
1 ns   : 1 Nanosecond (0.000000001 sec)    

鉴于您的评论,您对第三种方法的结果有一些疑问。我已经问过您如何调用该方法,因为如果像这样正确调用它确实需要大约 6 秒:

List<int> _list;

async Task Main()
    const int N = 3;
    _list = new List<int>();
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    await foreach(var i in ListLookupAsync())

public async IAsyncEnumerable<int> ListLookupAsync()
    Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} - Entering ListLookupAsync");
    foreach (var item in _list)
        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); // some asynchronous work
        yield return item;
    Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} - Exiting ListLookupAsync");

我真的怀疑你测量错了。基本上使用 IAsyncEnumerable 类型确实与使用不可等待的可枚举具有相同的效果:iterations/yield returns 按顺序 完成。由于 _list 包含 3 个项目使用上面的代码消耗枚举需要 3 次两秒延迟。

如果你想执行基于任务的方法 并行你可以利用Task.WhenAll:

List<int> _list;

async Task Main()
    const int N = 3;
    _list = new List<int>();
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} - Before WhenAll");
    await Task.WhenAll(_list.Select(TaskBased));
    Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} - After WhenAll");

public async Task TaskBased(int index)
    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); // some asynchronous work

这大约需要 2 秒。
