从 Azure Blob 存储中获取的视频未播放

Video is not playing fetched from azure blob storage

我正在创建一个应用程序,我可以在其中通过浏览器从手机上传任何视频 它存储在 blob 存储中,但是当我尝试获取它并在 android 的媒体播放器中播放它时,logcat 中出现错误,提示“无法打开文件”,如果我上传来自笔记本电脑的视频,通过手机录制 为什么会这样?手机视频的编解码格式在其中起着至关重要的作用吗?如果是,那我该怎么办 提前谢谢你

在 Azure 存储中流式传输视频时需要检查一些内容:


Includes the tools and the settings, such as bit rate. Sometimes the issue comes with half-baked tools or the transmitting settings.

2。检查您的 Blob 类型。

Make sure your videos are BlockBlobs. Check the header x-ms-blob-type. There are BlockBlobs and PageBlobs … but for streaming video you want BlockBlobs.

3。检查你的 storage version。如果我们默认使用General-purposev2账号是没有问题的

Azure Storage offers several types of storage accounts. Each type supports different features and has its own pricing model. Consider these differences before you create a storage account to determine the type of account that is best for your applications.


Storage clients default to a 128 MiB maximum single blob upload. You can see the details in block blobs. For Input video codecs supported, you can refer to the docs.

参考: this blog post by Tom.