
What is the common idiom(s) for resetting the moved object?

在 C++ 中,需要移动构造函数来重置移动的对象,这对我来说似乎是大多数情况下析构函数的重复。


移动构造函数通常会“窃取”参数持有的资源(例如指向 dynamically-allocated 对象、文件描述符、TCP 套接字、I/O 流、运行 线程等的指针。 ) 而不是制作它们的副本,并将论证保留在某个有效但不确定的状态。对于某些类型,例如 std::unique_ptr,moved-from 状态已完全指定。

不应释放“被盗”资源,因为这通常会导致错误。例如,“窃取”指针的移动构造函数必须确保 moved-from 对象的析构函数不会 delete 指针。否则会有一个double-free。一种常见的实现方式是将 moved-from 指针重置为 nullptr.


struct Pointer {
    int *ptr;

    // obtain a ptr resource which we will manage
    Pointer(int* ptr) : ptr{ptr} {}

    // steal another object's ptr resource, assign it to nullptr
    Pointer(Pointer &&moveOf) : ptr{moveOf.ptr} {
        moveOf.ptr = nullptr;

    // make sure that we don't delete a stolen ptr
    ~Pointer() {
        if (ptr != nullptr) {
            delete ptr;

Is it correct that defining a reset-method and using it in both destructor and move-constructor is the best approach? Or maybe there are better ways?

这取决于所管理的资源,但通常析构函数和 move-constructor 做不同的事情。移动构造函数窃取资源,析构函数释放未被窃取的资源。

In C++ move constructor is required to reset the moved object which to me seems to be a duplication of what the destructor does in most of the cases.

你是对的,经常有重复工作。这是因为 C++ 没有破坏性的移动语义,所以析构函数仍然会单独调用,即使对象已被移动。在我展示的示例中,~Pointer() 仍然需要被调用,即使是在移动之后。这伴随着检查是否 ptr == nullptr 的运行时成本。具有破坏性移动语义的语言示例 .


  • How to define a move constructor?

is required to reset the moved object which to me seems to be a duplication of what the destructor does in most of the cases.




Is it correct that defining a reset-method and using it in both destructor and move-constructor is the best approach?
