如果我想要一个 CRAN 存在的 R 包的更高版本(从 0.2.0 到 0.2.1),我需要删除 R 包中的 "CRAN-RELEASE" 吗?

If I want to upper version for a CRAN exist R package (from 0.2.0 to 0.2.1) , do I need to delete "CRAN-RELEASE" in R package?


它说“这个包是在 2020-07-25 提交给 CRAN 的。 接受后,删除此文件并标记发布(提交...)。"

因为我在 CRAN 上已经有了 0.2.0 版本的包,但需要稍后在 CRAN 上发布更新版本(例如 0.2.1),我需要保留那个 CRAN-RELEASE 文件还是我应该删除它吗?会影响什么吗?

另外,what is the second half sentences means "tag the release (commit ...)"。这是否意味着我需要做一些事情,例如

我也想知道“标记发布”这个短语,但后来我找到了 section 20.7 Wickham 和 Bryan 的 R-packages 书,它变得清晰了。

供参考:上面写着这个(让 'couple' 表示 'three' ;-))

Once your package has been accepted by CRAN, you have a couple of technical tasks to do:

  • If you use GitHub, go to the repository release page. Create a new release with tag version v1.2.3 (i.e. “v” followed by the version of your package). Copy and paste the contents of the relevant NEWS.md section into the release notes.
  • If you use git, but not GitHub, tag the release with git tag -a v1.2.3.
  • Add the .9000 suffix to the Version field in the DESCRIPTION to indicate that this is a development version. Create a new heading in NEWS.md and commit the changes.