Haskell 和 Brick 的 RGB 终端颜色

RGB Terminal Colors with Haskell and Brick

我知道 Brick and the VTY hackage do not support escape sequences. VTY 只支持 240 种颜色。

是否有任何解决方法可以使用真正的 RGB 颜色而不弄乱布局?


module BrickTest where

import Brick                (simpleMain, Widget, str)
import Brick.Widgets.Border (border)
import Text.Printf          (printf)

main :: IO ()
main = simpleMain $ colorWidget (255, 0, 0)

type RGB = (Int, Int, Int)

colorWidget :: RGB -> Widget ()
colorWidget (r, g, b) = border $ str (prefix ++ "a" ++ postfix)
        prefix = printf "\ESC[38;2;%d;%d;%dm" r g b
        postfix = "\ESC[0m"



我找到了解决方法。我设法实现了一个可以打印任何字符串的函数 zeroWidthStr,并且 Brick 处理它时就好像它的宽度为 0。但我无法真正解释它在内部是如何工作的,而且它可能有一些其他的副作用。

module BrickTest where

import           Brick                       (Widget, raw, simpleMain, str,
import           Brick.Widgets.Border        (border)
import           Data.List                   (intercalate)
import           Data.Text.Lazy              (pack)
import           Graphics.Vty                (defAttr)
import           Graphics.Vty.Image.Internal (Image (HorizText))
import           Text.Printf                 (printf)

main :: IO ()
main = simpleMain $ colorWidget (255, 0, 0)

type RGB = (Int, Int, Int)

colorWidget :: RGB -> Widget ()
colorWidget (r, g, b) = border $ prefix <+> str "a" <+> postfix
        prefix = zeroWidthStr $ printf "\ESC[38;2;%d;%d;%dm" r g b
        postfix = zeroWidthStr $ "\ESC[0m"

zeroWidthStr :: String -> Widget ()
-- | workaround to print any string in terminal, and hackage Brick (vty) handles it as if it has width 0
zeroWidthStr str = raw image
        image = HorizText defAttr (pack modStr) 0 0
        modStr = str ++ repeatN "\ESC\ESCa" (length str)
        repeatN :: String -> Int -> String
        repeatN str n = intercalate "" $ take n $ repeat str
