
Failed to create nodeport error, after deploying ingress

部署入口后无法创建 NodePort 错误



由于无法创建 NodePort 错误,Ingress 服务器的 2 个副本未旋转。请指教

正如错误所说。您缺少 NodePortPods CRD. It looks like that CRD existed at some point in time. But I don't see it anymore in the repo。您没有指定如何部署入口操作员,但您可以确保安装最新的。

helm repo add appscode https://charts.appscode.com/stable/
helm repo update
helm search repo appscode/voyager --version v13.0.0
# Generate the template to check or use helm install
helm template voyager-operator appscode/voyager --version v13.0.0 --namespace kube-system  --no-hooks --set cloudProvider=baremetal  Use the right cloud provider
