
Fastest way to calculate a digit-sum for a large number (as a decimal string)

我使用 gmplib 获取大数字并计算数值(数字总和:123 -> 674 -> 11 - > 2)


unsigned short getnumericvalue(const char *in_str)
    unsigned long number = 0;
    const char *ptr = in_str;
     do {
         if (*ptr != '9') number += (*ptr - '0'); // Exclude '9'
     } while (*ptr != 0);
     unsigned short reduced = number % 9;
     return reduced == 0 ? 9 : reduced;

它运行良好,但在 Xeon w-3235 上有更快的方法吗?


  1. 按字节处理数据,直到我们达到缓存行对齐
  2. 一次读取一个缓存行,检查字符串的结尾,并将数字添加到 8 个累加器
  3. 将 8 个累加器减少为 1 个并从头开始添加计数
  4. 按字节处理余数


        // getnumericvalue(ptr)
        .section .text
        .type getnumericvalue, @function
        .globl getnumericvalue
        xor %eax, %eax          // digit counter

        // process string until we reach cache-line alignment
        test -1, %dil        // is ptr aligned to 64 byte?
        jz 0f

1:      movzbl (%rdi), %edx     // load a byte from the string
        inc %rdi                // advance pointer
        test %edx, %edx         // is this the NUL byte?
        jz .Lend                // if yes, finish this function
        sub $'0', %edx          // turn ASCII character into digit
        add %edx, %eax          // and add to counter
        test -1, %dil        // is ptr aligned to 64 byte?
        jnz 1b                  // if not, process more data

        // process data in cache line increments until the end
        // of the string is found somewhere
0:      vpbroadcastd zero(%rip), %zmm1  // mask of '0' characters
        vpxor %xmm3, %xmm3, %xmm3       // vectorised digit counter

        vmovdqa32 (%rdi), %zmm0         // load one cache line from the string
        vptestmb %zmm0, %zmm0, %k0      // clear k0 bits if any byte is NUL
        kortestq %k0, %k0               // clear CF if a NUL byte is found
        jnc 0f                          // skip loop if a NUL byte is found

        .balign 16
1:      add , %rdi                   // advance pointer
        vpsadbw %zmm1, %zmm0, %zmm0     // sum groups of 8 bytes into 8 words
                                        // also subtracts '0' from each byte
        vpaddq %zmm3, %zmm0, %zmm3      // add to counters
        vmovdqa32 (%rdi), %zmm0         // load one cache line from the string
        vptestmb %zmm0, %zmm0, %k0      // clear k0 bits if any byte is NUL
        kortestq %k0, %k0               // clear CF if a NUL byte is found
        jc 1b                           // go on unless a NUL byte was found

        // reduce 8 vectorised counters into rdx
0:      vextracti64x4 , %zmm3, %ymm2  // extract high 4 words
        vpaddq %ymm2, %ymm3, %ymm3      // and add them to the low words
        vextracti128 , %ymm3, %xmm2   // extract high 2 words
        vpaddq %xmm2, %xmm3, %xmm3      // and add them to the low words
        vpshufd [=10=]x4e, %xmm3, %xmm2     // swap qwords into xmm2
        vpaddq %xmm2, %xmm3, %xmm3      // and add to xmm0
        vmovq %xmm3, %rdx               // move digit counter back to rdx
        add %rdx, %rax                  // and add to counts from scalar head

        // process tail
1:      movzbl (%rdi), %edx     // load a byte from the string
        inc %rdi                // advance pointer
        test %edx, %edx         // is this the NUL byte?
        jz .Lend                // if yes, finish this function
        sub $'0', %edx          // turn ASCII character into digit
        add %rdx, %rax          // and add to counter
        jnz 1b                  // if not, process more data

.Lend:  xor %edx, %edx          // zero-extend RAX into RDX:RAX
        mov , %ecx            // divide by 9
        div %rcx                // perform division
        mov %edx, %eax          // move remainder to result register
        test %eax, %eax         // is the remainder zero?
        cmovz %ecx, %eax        // if yes, set remainder to 9
        vzeroupper              // restore SSE performance
        ret                     // and return
        .size getnumericvalue, .-getnumericvalue

        // constants
        .section .rodata
        .balign 4
zero:   .byte '0', '0', '0', '0'


  • 它会简单地处理前几位数字,直到 ptr 正确对齐。
  • 然后它循环一次读取 8 位数字并将这些数字成对地求和到一个累加器中。在将 64 位累加器拆分为 number.
  • 之前,最多可以执行 28 次这样的操作
  • 终止测试验证包中的所有数字都具有等于 3.
  • 的高半字节
  • 剩下的数字一一处理。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

unsigned getnumericvalue_simple(const char *in_str) {
    unsigned long number = 0;
    const char *ptr = in_str;

    do {
        if (*ptr != '9') number += (*ptr - '0'); // Exclude '9'
    } while (*ptr != 0);

    return number <= 9 ? number : ((number - 1) % 9) + 1;

unsigned getnumericvalue_naive(const char *ptr) {
    unsigned long number = 0;

    while (*ptr) {
        number += *ptr++ - '0';
    return number ? 1 + (number - 1) % 9 : 0;

unsigned getnumericvalue_parallel(const char *ptr) {
    unsigned long long number = 0;
    unsigned long long pack1, pack2;

    /* align source on ull boundary */
    while ((uintptr_t)ptr & (sizeof(unsigned long long) - 1)) {
        if (*ptr == '[=10=]')
            return number ? 1 + (number - 1) % 9 : 0;
        number += *ptr++ - '0';

    /* scan 8 bytes at a time */
    for (;;) {
        pack1 = 0;
#define REP8(x) x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x
#define REP28(x) x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x
        REP28(pack2 = *(const unsigned long long *)(const void *)ptr;
              pack2 -= 0x3030303030303030;
              if (pack2 & 0xf0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0)
              ptr += sizeof(unsigned long long);
              pack1 += pack2);
        REP8(number += pack1 & 0xFF; pack1 >>= 8);
    REP8(number += pack1 & 0xFF; pack1 >>= 8);

    /* finish trailing bytes */
    while (*ptr) {
        number += *ptr++ - '0';
    return number ? 1 + (number - 1) % 9 : 0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    clock_t start;
    unsigned naive_result, simple_result, parallel_result;
    double naive_time, simple_time, parallel_time;
    int digits = argc < 2 ? 1000000 : strtol(argv[1], NULL, 0);
    char *p = malloc(digits + 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < digits; i++)
        p[i] = "0123456789123456"[i & 15];
    p[digits] = '[=10=]';

    start = clock();
    simple_result = getnumericvalue_simple(p);
    simple_time = (clock() - start) * 1000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    start = clock();
    naive_result = getnumericvalue_naive(p);
    naive_time = (clock() - start) * 1000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    start = clock();
    parallel_result = getnumericvalue_parallel(p);
    parallel_time = (clock() - start) * 1000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    printf("simple:   %d digits -> %u, %7.3f msec\n", digits, simple_result, simple_time);
    printf("naive:    %d digits -> %u, %7.3f msec\n", digits, naive_result, naive_time);
    printf("parallel: %d digits -> %u, %7.3f msec\n", digits, parallel_result, parallel_time);

    return 0;


simple:   100000000 digits -> 3, 100.380 msec
naive:    100000000 digits -> 3,  98.128 msec
parallel: 100000000 digits -> 3,   7.848 msec

请注意,发布版本中的额外测试不正确,因为 getnumericvalue("9") 应该产生 9,而不是 0


通过编译器内部函数甚至汇编语言使用 AVX 指令可能会获得更高的性能,但对于非常大的数组,内存带宽似乎是限制因素。