
SVG: reverse cubic and quadratic bezier curves

我正在编写 SVG 路径命令 reverse the draw direction 的脚本,到目前为止一切正常,但 S 路径命令或 T.

其中一个 my implementations 仅基于三次贝塞尔 C 曲线的路径反转功能完美运行,但输出路径字符串相当大,有时是长度的两倍或三倍。

这是 reversePath.js 的简化版本,到目前为止,它实现了对 S 和测试页的一些基本处理:

  // the script I'm working on works with these arrays
  var path = [['M',10,80],['C',40, 10, 65, 10, 95, 80],['S',150,150,180,80],['S',230,10,270,80]],
      target = document.getElementById('target');

// our focus is RIGHT HERE
function reversePath(pathInput){
  let isClosed = pathInput.slice(-1)[0][0] === 'Z',
      params = {x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, x: 0, y: 0, qx: null, qy: null},
      pathCommand = '', pLen = 0, 
      reversedPath = [];

  reversedPath =,i,pathArray)=>{
    pLen = pathArray.length
    pathCommand = seg[0]

      case 'M':
        x = seg[1]
        y = seg[2]
      case 'Z':
        x = pathArray[0][1]
        y = pathArray[0][2]
        x = seg[seg.length - 2]
        y = seg[seg.length - 1]

    return {
      c: pathCommand, 
      x: x,
      y: y,
      seg: seg
    let segment = seg.seg,
        prevSeg = i && pathArray[i-1],
        nextSeg = pathArray[i+1] && pathArray[i+1],
        result = []

    pLen = pathArray.length
    pathCommand = seg.c
    params.x = i ? pathArray[i-1].x : pathArray[pLen-1].x
    params.y = i ? pathArray[i-1].y : pathArray[pLen-1].y

      case 'M':
        result = isClosed ? ['Z'] : [pathCommand, params.x,params.y]
      case 'C':
        if ('S' === nextSeg.c) {
          params.x2 = params.x1 + params.x2 / 2
          params.y2 = params.y1 + params.y2 / 2
          result = ['S', params.x2,params.y2, params.x,params.y]
        } else {
          params.x1 = segment[3]
          params.y1 = segment[4]
          params.x2 = segment[1]
          params.y2 = segment[2]
          result = [pathCommand, params.x1,params.y1, params.x2,params.y2, params.x,params.y];
      case 'S':
        params.x2 = params.x1 + params.x2 / 2
        params.y2 = params.y1 + params.y2 / 2

        if (nextSeg && 'S' === nextSeg.c) {
          result = [pathCommand, params.x2,params.y2, params.x,params.y]
        } else {
          params.x1 = params.x1 + params.x2 / 2
          params.y1 = params.y1 + params.y2 / 2
          params.x2 = segment[1];
          params.y2 = segment[2];
          result = ['C', params.x1,params.y1, params.x2,params.y2, params.x,params.y];
      case 'Z':
        result = ['M',params.x,params.y]
        result = segment.slice(0,-2).concat([params.x,params.y])
    return result
  return isClosed ? reversedPath.reverse() : [reversedPath[0]].concat(reversedPath.slice(1).reverse())

function pathToString(pathArray) {
  return>x[0].concat(x.slice(1).join(' '))).join(' ')

function reverse(){
  var reversed = pathToString(reversePath(path));
  target.closest('.col').innerHTML += '<br><p class="text-left">'+reversed+'</p>'
.row {width: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: row}
.col {width: 50%; text-align: center}
.text-left {text-align: left}
<button onclick="reverse()">REVERSE</button>
<div class="row">
  <div class="col">
    <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 270 160">
      <path id="example" d="M10 80 C40 10, 65 10, 95 80S 150 150, 180 80S 230 10 270 80" stroke="green" stroke-width="2" fill="transparent" />
    normal path
  <div class="col">
    <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 270 160">
      <path id="target" d="M0 0L0 0" stroke="orange" stroke-width="2" fill="transparent" />
    reversed path (click the button)

我从 Raphael.js 实现将 S、Q 和 T 路径命令转换为 C(cubicBezier)开始,思考和逆向工程也许我可以找到一种方法让它工作.

所以我需要一些帮助来为这些 ST 路径命令找出正确的公式来反转形状。如果有人可以帮助我 S 我可以在 T.




// the script I'm working on works with these arrays
  var pathCubic = [['M',10,80],['C',40,10,65,10,95,80],['S',150,150,180,80],['S',230,10,270,80]],
      targetCubic = document.getElementById('target');

// the updated function
function reversePath(absolutePath){
  var isClosed = absolutePath.slice(-1)[0][0] === 'Z',
  reversedPath = normalizePath(absolutePath).map(function (segment,i){
    return {
      c: absolutePath[i][0],
      x: segment[segment.length - 2],
      y: segment[segment.length - 1],
      seg: absolutePath[i],
      normalized: segment
  }).map(function (seg,i,pathArray){
    var segment = seg.seg,
        data = seg.normalized,
        prevSeg = i && pathArray[i-1],
        nextSeg = pathArray[i+1] && pathArray[i+1],
        pathCommand = seg.c,
        pLen = pathArray.length,
        x = i ? pathArray[i-1].x : pathArray[pLen-1].x,
        y = i ? pathArray[i-1].y : pathArray[pLen-1].y,
        result = [];
      case 'M':
        result = isClosed ? ['Z'] : [pathCommand, x,y];
      case 'C':
        if (nextSeg && nextSeg.c === 'S') {
          result = ['S', segment[1],segment[2], x,y];
        } else {
          result = [pathCommand, segment[3],segment[4], segment[1],segment[2], x,y];
      case 'S':
        if ( prevSeg && 'CS'.indexOf(prevSeg.c)>-1 && (!nextSeg || nextSeg && nextSeg.c !== 'S')) {
          result = ['C', data[3],data[4], data[1],data[2], x,y];
        } else {
          result = [pathCommand, data[1],data[2], x,y];
      case 'Z':
        result = ['M',x,y];
    return result
  return isClosed ? reversedPath.reverse() : [reversedPath[0]].concat(reversedPath.slice(1).reverse())

// new additions
function shorthandToCubic(x1,y1,x2,y2,prevCommand){
  return 'CS'.indexOf(prevCommand)>-1 ? { x1: x1 * 2 - x2, y1: y1 * 2 - y2}
                                      : { x1 : x1, y1 : y1 }

function normalizeSegment(segment, params, prevCommand) {
  var nqxy, nxy;
  switch (segment[0]) {
    case "S":
      nxy = shorthandToCubic(params.x1,params.y1, params.x2,params.y2, prevCommand);
      params.x1 = nxy.x1;
      params.y1 = nxy.y1;
      segment = ["C", nxy.x1, nxy.y1].concat(segment.slice(1));
  return segment

function normalizePath(pathArray) {
  var params = {x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, x: 0, y: 0, qx: null, qy: null},
      allPathCommands = [], pathCommand = '', prevCommand = '', ii = pathArray.length,
      segment, seglen;
  for (var i = 0; i < ii; i++) {
    pathArray[i] && (pathCommand = pathArray[i][0]);
    allPathCommands[i] = pathCommand;
    i && ( prevCommand = allPathCommands[i - 1]);
    pathArray[i] = normalizeSegment(pathArray[i], params, prevCommand);
    segment = pathArray[i];
    seglen = segment.length;
    params.x1 = +segment[seglen - 2];
    params.y1 = +segment[seglen - 1];
    params.x2 = +(segment[seglen - 4]) || params.x1;
    params.y2 = +(segment[seglen - 3]) || params.y1;
  return pathArray

function pathToString(pathArray) {
  return>x[0].concat(x.slice(1).join(' '))).join(' ')

function reverse(){
  var reversedCubic = pathToString(reversePath(pathCubic));
  targetCubic.closest('.col').innerHTML += '<br><p class="text-left">'+reversedCubic+'</p>'
.row {width: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: row}
.col {width: 50%; text-align: center}
.text-left {text-align: left}
<button onclick="reverse()">REVERSE</button> Now works with multiple `S` shorthands
<div class="row">
  <div class="col">
    <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 270 160">
      <path id="example" d="M10 80 C40 10, 65 10, 95 80S 150 150, 180 80S 230 10 270 80" stroke="green" stroke-width="2" fill="transparent" />
    normal path
  <div class="col">
    <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 270 160">
      <path id="target" d="M0 0L0 0" stroke="orange" stroke-width="2" fill="transparent" />
    reversed CUBIC BEZIER path

您可以查看最新的SVGPathCommander version on npm or the demo page。它还可以管理多个 T 路径命令,没问题。