使用 join on big table 进行更新 - 性能提示?

Update using join on big table - performance tips?


update votings v
set voter_id = (select pv.number from voters pv WHERE pv.person_id = v.person_id);


select count(0) from votings;
(1 registro)


explain update votings v                             
set voter_id = (select pv.number from voters pv WHERE pv.rl_person_id = v.person_id);
                                                    QUERY PLAN                                                     
 Update on votings v  (cost=0.00..788637465.40 rows=91339856 width=1671)
   ->  Seq Scan on votings v  (cost=0.00..788637465.40 rows=91339856 width=1671)
         SubPlan 1
           ->  Index Scan using idx_voter_rl_person_id on voters pv  (cost=0.56..8.58 rows=1 width=9)
                 Index Cond: (rl_person_id = v.person_id)
(5 registros)


    "votings_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "votings_election_id_voter_id_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (election_id, person_id)
    "votings_external_id_external_source_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (external_id, external_source)
    "idx_votings_updated_at" btree (updated_at DESC)
    "idx_votings_vote_party" btree (vote_party)
    "idx_votings_vote_state_vote_party" btree (vote_state, vote_party)
    "idx_votings_voter_id" btree (person_id)
Restrições de chave estrangeira:
    "votings_election_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (election_id) REFERENCES elections(id)
    "votings_voter_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES people_all(id)



CREATE INDEX idx_cover ON voters (person_id, number);

虽然在 select 的上下文中,这可能不会比 person_id 上的当前索引有太大优势,但在更新的上下文中,它可能更重要。原因是对于更新,此索引可能会减轻 Postgres 在更新前创建和维护原始 table 状态的副本。

如果 voting 中实际有 91339856 行,voters 上的 91339856 次索引扫描肯定是主要成本因素。顺序扫描会更快。

如果您不强制 PostgreSQL 执行嵌套循环连接,您可能会提高性能:

UPDATE votings
SET voter_id = voters.number
FROM voters
WHERE votings.person_id = voters.person_id;

更新 table 中的所有行将非常昂贵。我建议 re-creating table:

create temp_votings as
    select v.*, vv.vote_id
    from votings v join
         voters vv
         on vv.person_id = v.person_id;

对于此查询,您需要 votes(person_id, vote_id) 上的索引。我猜 person_id 可能已经是主键;如果是这样,则不需要额外的索引。

然后,您可以替换现有的 table -- 但请先备份:

truncate table votings;

insert into votings ( . . . )    -- list columns here
    select . . .                 -- and the same columns here
    from temp_votings;