Angular: 阴天错误 { "message": "cloud_name is disabled" }

Angular: Cloudinary error { "message": "cloud_name is disabled" }

我正在尝试通过 Angular 使用 Cloudinary 图像上传。 我已经按照他们的文档安装了图像上传器 sdk。我已经关注了组件和 html.



Upload completed with status code 401
error { "message": "cloud_name is disabled" }

这是我的 component.ts:

import { Component, OnInit, Input, NgZone } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { FileUploader, FileUploaderOptions, ParsedResponseHeaders, FileUploadModule } from 'ng2-file-upload';
import { Cloudinary } from '@cloudinary/angular-5.x';


  selector: 'app-cloudinary',
  templateUrl: './cloudinary.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./cloudinary.component.scss']
export class CloudinaryComponent implements OnInit {

  responses: Array<any>;

  public hasBaseDropZoneOver: boolean = false;
  public uploader: FileUploader;
  private title: string;

    private cloudinary: Cloudinary,
    private zone: NgZone,
    private http: HttpClient
  ) {
    this.responses = [];
    this.title = '';

  ngOnInit(): void {
    // Create the file uploader, wire it to upload to your account
    const uploaderOptions: FileUploaderOptions = {
      url: `${this.cloudinary.config().CLOUD_NAME}/upload`,
      // Upload files automatically upon addition to upload queue
      autoUpload: true,
      // Use xhrTransport in favor of iframeTransport
      isHTML5: true,
      // Calculate progress independently for each uploaded file
      removeAfterUpload: true,
      // XHR request headers
      headers: [
          name: 'X-Requested-With',
          value: 'XMLHttpRequest'
    this.uploader = new FileUploader(uploaderOptions);

    this.uploader.onBuildItemForm = (fileItem: any, form: FormData): any => {
      // Add Cloudinary's unsigned upload preset to the upload form
      form.append('upload_preset', this.cloudinary.config().upload_preset);
      // Add built-in and custom tags for displaying the uploaded photo in the list
      let tags = 'myphotoalbum';
      if (this.title) {
        form.append('context', `photo=${this.title}`);
        tags = `myphotoalbum,${this.title}`;
      // Upload to a custom folder
      // Note that by default, when uploading via the API, folders are not automatically created in your Media Library.
      // In order to automatically create the folders based on the API requests,
      // please go to your account upload settings and set the 'Auto-create folders' option to enabled.
      form.append('folder', 'angular_sample');
      // Add custom tags
      form.append('tags', tags);
      // Add file to upload
      form.append('file', fileItem);

      // Use default "withCredentials" value for CORS requests
      fileItem.withCredentials = false;
      return { fileItem, form };

    // Insert or update an entry in the responses array
    const upsertResponse = fileItem => {

      // Run the update in a custom zone since for some reason change detection isn't performed
      // as part of the XHR request to upload the files.
      // Running in a custom zone forces change detection => {
        // Update an existing entry if it's upload hasn't completed yet

        // Find the id of an existing item
        const existingId = this.responses.reduce((prev, current, index) => {
          if ( === && !current.status) {
            return index;
          return prev;
        }, -1);
        if (existingId > -1) {
          // Update existing item with new data
          this.responses[existingId] = Object.assign(this.responses[existingId], fileItem);
        } else {
          // Create new response

    // Update model on completion of uploading a file
    this.uploader.onCompleteItem = (item: any, response: string, status: number, headers: ParsedResponseHeaders) =>
          file: item.file,
          data: JSON.parse(response)

    // Update model on upload progress event
    this.uploader.onProgressItem = (fileItem: any, progress: any) =>
          file: fileItem.file,
          data: {}

  updateTitle(value: string) {
    this.title = value;

  // Delete an uploaded image
  // Requires setting "Return delete token" to "Yes" in your upload preset configuration
  // See also
  deleteImage = function (data: any, index: number) {
    const url = `${this.cloudinary.config().CLOUD_NAME}/delete_by_token`;
    const headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' });
    const options = { headers: headers };
    const body = {
      token: data.delete_token
    };, body, options).subscribe(response => {
      console.log(`Deleted image - ${data.public_id} ${response.result}`);
      // Remove deleted item for responses
      this.responses.splice(index, 1);

  fileOverBase(e: any): void {
    this.hasBaseDropZoneOver = e;

  getFileProperties(fileProperties: any) {
    // Transforms Javascript Object to an iterable to be used by *ngFor
    if (!fileProperties) {
      return null;
    return Object.keys(fileProperties)
      .map((key) => ({ 'key': key, 'value': fileProperties[key] }));

这是我的 component.html:

<h1>Image Upload to Cloudinary TESTING</h1>

<div id="direct_upload" ng2FileDrop [uploader]="uploader" (fileOver)="fileOverBase($event)" [ngClass]="{'nv-file-over': hasBaseDropZoneOver}">
    <h1>New Photo</h1>
    <h2>Direct upload from the browser with Angular File Upload</h2>
    <p>You can also drag and drop an image file into the dashed area.</p>
        <div class="form_line">
            <label path="title">Title:</label>
            <div class="form_controls">
                <input type="text" class="form-control" #title placeholder="Title" (keyup.enter)="updateTitle(title.value)" (blur)="updateTitle(title.value)"
        <div class="form_line">
            <div class="form_controls">
                <div class="upload_button_holder">
                    <label class="upload_button" for="fileupload">Upload</label>
                    <!-- onChange hanlder resets the input value to get the change event when uploading the same file consecutively -->
                    <input type="file" id="fileupload" #fileInput ng2FileSelect [style.display]="'none'" [uploader]="uploader" (change)="fileInput.value=''"
                        multiple />

    <div class="file" *ngFor="let response of responses; let i = index">
    <button class="delete-image" *ngIf="!!" (click)="deleteImage(, i)">Delete image</button>
        <div class="status">
            Uploading... {{response.progress}}%
            <div *ngIf="!response.status">In progress</div>
            <div class="status-code" *ngIf="response.status">Upload completed with status code {{response.status}}</div>
        <div class="progress-bar">
            <div class="progress" role="progressbar" [style.width.%]="response.progress"></div>
        <div class="form_line">
            <div class="form_controls">
                <div class="preview">
                    <!-- Consider using for image preview -->
        <div class="info">
                <tr *ngFor="let property of getFileProperties(">
                    <td> {{ property.key }} </td>
                    <td> {{ property.value | json}} </td>


在我的 app.module.ts 中,我进行了导入:

import { CloudinaryModule, CloudinaryConfiguration } from '@cloudinary/angular-5.x';
import { Cloudinary } from 'cloudinary-core';
import { FileUploadModule } from "ng2-file-upload";

  declarations: [
  imports: [
    // Cloudinary import
    CloudinaryModule.forRoot({Cloudinary}, { cloud_name: 'CLOUDN_NAME' } as CloudinaryConfiguration),
  providers: [
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]

export class AppModule { }

所以我真的不明白为什么它没有获得授权,但同样困扰我的是,在 Cloudinary 文档中 Angular 我不知道我应该把我的 API Key 和我的 API Secret.

在我的项目中没有任何地方有像 systemjs.config.js rollup-config.js.




在您的示例中,您需要更改云 URL



而您的 upload_preset 您需要将其从 form.append('upload_preset', this.cloudinary.config().upload_preset) 更改为 form.append('upload_preset', 'PRESET_NAME')


  ngOnInit(): void {
    // Create the file uploader, wire it to upload to your account
    const uploaderOptions: FileUploaderOptions = {
      url: `${this.cloudinary.config().CLOUD_NAME}/upload`,
      // Upload files automatically upon addition to upload queue
      autoUpload: true,
      // Use xhrTransport in favor of iframeTransport
      isHTML5: true,
      // Calculate progress independently for each uploaded file
      removeAfterUpload: true,
      // XHR request headers
      headers: [
          name: 'X-Requested-With',
          value: 'XMLHttpRequest'
    this.uploader = new FileUploader(uploaderOptions);

    this.uploader.onBuildItemForm = (fileItem: any, form: FormData): any => {
      // Add Cloudinary's unsigned upload preset to the upload form
      form.append('upload_preset', 'PRESET_NAME');
      // Add built-in and custom tags for displaying the uploaded photo in the list
      let tags = 'myphotoalbum';
      if (this.title) {
        form.append('context', `photo=${this.title}`);
        tags = `myphotoalbum,${this.title}`;
      // Upload to a custom folder
      // Note that by default, when uploading via the API, folders are not automatically created in your Media Library.
      // In order to automatically create the folders based on the API requests,
      // please go to your account upload settings and set the 'Auto-create folders' option to enabled.
      form.append('folder', 'angular_sample');
      // Add custom tags
      form.append('tags', tags);
      // Add file to upload
      form.append('file', fileItem);

      // Use default "withCredentials" value for CORS requests
      fileItem.withCredentials = false;
      return { fileItem, form };
  // Delete an uploaded image
  // Requires setting "Return delete token" to "Yes" in your upload preset configuration
  // See also
  deleteImage = function (data: any, index: number) {
    const url = ``;
    const headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' });
    const options = { headers: headers };
    const body = {
      token: data.delete_token

对于 API key,如果您要上传到已签名的 upload_preset,您可以像这样在您的组件中添加密钥,如 sample project angular:

 ngOnInit(): void {
    (window as any).cloudinary.createMediaLibrary(
        cloud_name: "<cloud name>",
        api_key: "<api key>",
        button_class: "myBtn",
        username: "<user email>",
        button_caption: "Select Image or Video"