请求 EventKit 访问 macOS SwiftUI

Requesting EventKit access macOS SwiftUI

我试图在 SwiftUI MacOS 应用程序中请求访问日历,但它立即拒绝了。


根据我之前在 MacOS 上请求私人信息的经验,iOS 上应该出现通知而不是弹出窗口。

我仍在尝试为 SwiftUI 找出 EventKit,所以请原谅任何错误。

struct ContentView: View {
    let eventStore = EKEventStore()
    var body: some View {
    func checkCalendarAuthorizationStatus() {

        switch EKEventStore.authorizationStatus(for: .event) {
        case .authorized:
            insertEvent(store: eventStore)
            case .denied:
                print("Access denied")
            case .notDetermined:
            // 3
                eventStore.requestAccess(to: .event, completion:
                  {(granted: Bool, error: Error?) -> Void in
                      if granted {
                        self.insertEvent(store: eventStore)
                      } else {
                            print("Access denied")
                print("Case default")
    func insertEvent(store: EKEventStore) {
        // 1
        let calendars = store.calendars(for: .event)
        for calendar in calendars {
            // 2
            if calendar.title == "Calendar" {
                // 3
                let startDate = Date()
                // 2 hours
                let endDate = startDate.addingTimeInterval(2 * 60 * 60)
                // 4
                let event = EKEvent(eventStore: store)
                event.calendar = calendar
                event.title = "New Meeting"
                event.startDate = startDate
                event.endDate = endDate
                // 5
                do {
                    try store.save(event, span: .thisEvent)
                catch {
                   print("Error saving event in calendar")             }

您不应检查状态,而应使用 EKEventStore().requestAccess(... 直接请求访问,如文档所述

    @method     requestAccessToEntityType:completion:
    @discussion Users are able to grant or deny access to event and reminder data on a per-app basis. To request access to
                event and/or reminder data, call -requestAccessToEntityType:completion:. This will not block the app while
                the user is being asked to grant or deny access.
                Until access has been granted for an entity type, the event store will not contain any calendars for that
                entity type, and any attempt to save will fail. The user will only be prompted the first time access is
                requested; any subsequent instantiations of EKEventStore will use the existing permissions. When the user
                taps to grant or deny access, the completion handler will be called on an arbitrary queue.
@available(macOS 10.9, *)
open func requestAccess(to entityType: EKEntityType, completion: @escaping EKEventStoreRequestAccessCompletionHandler)


func checkCalendarAuthorizationStatus() {

    eventStore.requestAccess(to: .event, completion:
      {(granted: Bool, error: Error?) -> Void in
          if granted {
            self.insertEvent(store: eventStore)
          } else {
            print("Access denied")

并确保 NSCalendarsUsageDescription 说明已添加到 Info.plist