"wrong element type" 使用 pgx 使用 JSONBArray 时

"wrong element type" when using JSONBArray using pgx

我正在尝试插入一个 inventory 数据类型为 jsonb[]:

elements := []pgtype.Text{{String: `{"adsda": "asdasd"}`, Status: pgtype.Present}}
dimensions := []pgtype.ArrayDimension{{Length: 1, LowerBound: 1}}
inventory := pgtype.JSONBArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: dimensions, Status: pgtype.Present}
row = db.pool.QueryRow(context.Background(), `INSERT INTO user ("email", "password", "inventory") VALUES(, , ) RETURNING uuid, email, "password"`, requestEmail, requestPassword, inventory)


"Severity": "ERROR",
"Code": "42804",
"Message": "wrong element type",
"Detail": "",
"Hint": "",
"Position": 0,
"InternalPosition": 0,
"InternalQuery": "",
"Where": "",
"SchemaName": "",
"TableName": "",
"ColumnName": "",
"DataTypeName": "",
"ConstraintName": "",
"File": "arrayfuncs.c",
"Line": 1316,
"Routine": "array_recv"

Postgres table 定义:

CREATE TABLE public.user (
    uuid uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
    email varchar(64) NOT NULL,
    "password" varchar(32) NOT NULL,
    inventory _jsonb NULL,
    CONSTRAINT user_pk PRIMARY KEY (uuid)


pgx 中的类型 jsonb[] 已损坏


"Severity": "ERROR",
"Code": "42804",
"Message": "wrong element type",

Guthub page on pgx揭示:

The binary format can be substantially faster, which is what the pgx interface uses.

所以你使用的是二进制协议。为此,数据类型必须使用兼容的二进制格式,似乎 ARRAY of jsonb 编码不正确?相关:

  • PostgreSQL/PostGIS - PQexecParams - wrong element type

幸运的是,作者似乎有 fixed this just yesterday: (!)

jackc: Fix JSONBArray to have elements of JSONB

安装包含提交 79b05217d14ece98b13c69ba3358b47248ab4bbc 的最新版本后,您的问题应该会消失

jsonb[]jsonb 嵌套 JSON 数组

使用普通 jsonb 代替 jsonb[] 可能更简单。 JSON 可以自己嵌套数组。考虑:

SELECT '[{"id": 1}
       , {"txt": "something"}]'::jsonb  AS jsonb_array
     , '{"{\"id\": 1}"
        ,"{\"txt\": \"something\"}"}'::jsonb[] AS pg_array_of_jsonb;

两者都可以在 Postgres 中取消嵌套:

SELECT jsonb_array_elements('[{"id": 1}, {"txt": "something"}]'::jsonb) AS jsonb_element_from_json_array;

SELECT unnest('{"{\"id\": 1}","{\"txt\": \"something\"}"}'::jsonb[]) AS jsonb_element_from_pg_array;


db<>fiddle here



您的 INSERT 命令:

INSERT INTO user ("email", "password", "inventory") VALUES ...


ERROR: syntax error at or near "user"

因为user是一个reserved word。您必须 double-quote 它才能正常工作。但不要使用 user 它作为 Postgres 标识符。曾经.

table 的创建是有效的,因为 tablename 是 schema-qualified,这使得它明确无误:

CREATE TABLE public.user ( ...