如何获取给定 HTML 文档或网页中特定 HTML 元素的值(通过 URL)?

How to get the value of a specific HTML element in a given HTML document or webpage (by URL)?

我想将包含 <span id="spanID"> value </span> 标记的网页的 url 传递给类似 setTextBoxText(string url, string id) 的方法,该方法是在 wpf 应用程序代码隐藏 (MainWindow.xaml.cs) 中编写的并将特定 TextBox 控件的文本设置为跨度值,而不加载网页。 (例如,亚马逊产品的跟踪价格)



public partial class MainWindow : Window
    string url = "https://websiteaddress.com/rest";
    setTextBoxText(url, "spanID");

    static void setTextBoxText(string url, string id)
        // code to get document by given url
        txtPrice.Text = getHtmlElementValue(id);

    string getHtmlElementValue(string id)
        // what code should be written here?
        // any combination of js and c#?
        // var result = document.getElementById(id).textContent;
        // return result;

您可以使用 HttpClient 加载 URL 的 HTML 内容,然后在类似 JavaScript 的语法中处理 DOM 对象将响应包装到 mshtml.HTMLDocument - 需要参考 Microsoft.mshtml.dll:

private mshtml.HTMLDocument HtmlDocument { get; set; }

private async Task SetTextBoxTextAsync(string url, string id)
  await UpdateHtmlDocumentAsync(url);
  var value = GetHtmlElementValueById(id);
  txtPrice.Text = value;

public async Task UpdateHtmlDocumentAsync(string url)
  using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient())
    byte[] response = await httpClient.GetByteArrayAsync(url);
    string httpResponseText = Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8").GetString(response, 0, response.Length - 1);
    string htmlContent = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(httpResponseText);

    this.HtmlDocument = new HTMLDocument();
    (this.HtmlDocument as IHTMLDocument2).write(htmlContent);

public string GetHtmlElementValueById(string elementId) 
  => this.HtmlDocument.getElementById(elementId).innerText;