在 octobercms 中单击提交时,如何使用来自 table 的附加用户输入字段数据保存多行数据?

How to save multiple rows of data with additional user input fields data from a table when click submit in octobercms?

我有一个带有输入字段的 table,数据是使用 foreach 循环从数据库加载的,如下图所示。用户可以为每个细分输入他们想要提取的金额。我有一个提交按钮

如果用户为任何行输入金额,我想获取 table 中每一行的信息(id、余额和输入金额)并将其提交到数据库中。


 {{ form_ajax('onWithdrawal', {id:"form", class: 'form-horizontal', 'data-request-files':true, 'data-request-flash': true}) }}
 <div id="container" class="table-responsive kv-grid-container">
     <table class="kv-grid-table table table-striped kv-table-wrap">
                <th>{{ 'Sub Divisions'|_ }}</th>
                <th>{{ 'Balance'|_ }}</th>
                <th>{{ 'Amount Taken'|_ }}</th>
                <th>{{ 'Withdraw'|_ }}</th>
             {% for log in logs %}
                 <tr id = "{{log.id }}">
                 <td>{{log.name }}</td> 
                 <td>{{log.balance }}</td>
                 <td>{{log.withdraw }}</td>
                 <td><input type="number" min=1000  max="1500" id="item-b"class="form-control" name="amount" placeholder="1,000" ></td>
            {% endfor %}
    <div class="form-group">
        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default "  data-request="onWithdrawal" data-request-files  style="float:right"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh"></span>{{ 'Submit'|_ }}

{{ form_close() }}


function onWithdrawal(){
  $user = Auth::getUser();

               $model = new WithdrawLog();
                $model->user_id = $user->id;
                $model->email = $user->email;
                $model->id = ?
                $model->name = ?
                $model->amount = Input::get("amount");

          if ($model->save()) {
                         Flash::success('Withdrawal Application successfully sent');  
                         return Redirect::refresh();
                    } else {
                        return Redirect::refresh();


首先是将您的表单更改为标准 HTML 表单。更容易调试。

{#{{ form_ajax('onWithdrawal', {id: 'form', class: 'form-horizontal', 'data-request-files':true, 'data-request-flash': true}) }}#}
{{ form_open({request: 'onWithdrawal', id:'form', class: 'form-horizontal', files: 'true'}) }}

在您的 HTML 中添加一些隐藏元素并按 commonId[nameValue] 对您的名字进行分组。 Learn more here:

<td><input type="hidden" name="{{ log.id }}[id]" value="{{ log.id }}"><input type="number" min=1000  max="1500" id="item-b"class="form-control" name="{{ log.id }}[amount]" placeholder="1,000" ></td>

现在你的 PHP 看起来像这样:

function onWithdrawal(){
    foreach(Input::except('_session_key', '_token') as $row) {

        $user = Auth::getUser();

        $model = WithdrawLog::find($row['id']); //If they exist you only need to find them.
        $model->user_id = $user->id;
        $model->email = $user->email;
        $model->id = $row['id'];
        $model->amount = $row['amount'];

    // Should prolly look into validating or checking which records were not updated.
    Flash::success('Withdrawal Application successfully sent');  
    return Redirect::refresh();



<td><input type="number" min=1000  max="1500" id="item-b"class="form-control" name="amount[{{ log.id }}]" placeholder="1,000" ></td>

对于 PHP,我做了这样的事情。

function onWithdrawal(){
  $user = Auth::getUser();

               $model = new WithdrawLog();
                $model->user_id = $user->id;
                $model->email = $user->email;

         foreach(post("amount") as $id => $amount){
            if($amount !=""){
                $model->id = $id;
                $model->amount = $amount;

          if ($model->save()) {
                         Flash::success('successfully sent');  
                         return Redirect::refresh();
                    } else {
                        return Redirect::refresh();