Splunk 查询 - 从带有计数的日志中搜索唯一异常

Splunk Query - Search unique exception from logs with counts


|Exception Name      |Count|
|NullPointerException|  2  |
|ConnectException    |  6  |
|MailConnectException|  10 |

日志看起来像这样 -

- Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null
- Caused by: com.sun.mail.util.MailConnectException: Couldn't connect to host, port: localhost, 25; timeout -1
- Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused (Connection refused)


index="*zp0853-a*" container_name="test-api" "*Caused by*" (Showing all Exceptions list)
index="*zp0853-a*" container_name="test-api" "*Caused by*" | stats count (Showing only total counts)

您应该使用正确的分隔符拆分“_raw”并移动到使用 mvindex

eval exception=mvindex(split(_raw,":"),1)|stats count by exception

要获取每个异常的计数,您需要提取异常名称。我喜欢为此使用 rex

index="*zp0853-a*" container_name="test-api" "*Caused by*" 
| rex "by: (?<exception>[^:]+)"
| stats count by exception