如何从 libzip 保存二进制文件

How do I save a binary file from libzip


If I use gio to create the file

GError *error;
char path[strlen(dirpath)]; 
sprintf(path, "%s", dirpath); // Create path to the file by copying from another variable
zip_file_t *contentfile = zip_fopen_index(book, index, ZIP_RDONLY);
zip_stat_index(book, index, ZIP_CHECKCONS, &fileinfo);
GFile *gfile = g_file_new_for_path(strcat(path, fileinfo.name));
GFileOutputStream *file = g_file_create(gfile, G_FILE_CREATE_NONE, g_cancellable_new(), &error);
if (error)
    printf("Error :%i\n", error->code);
    zip_fread(contentfile, file, fileinfo.size);

我无法在文件中放入任何内容。它只是一个用 0 字节创建的文件。我正在用厕所提取存档中的所有文件。因此 indexzip_file_t *contentfile = zip_fopen_index(book, index, ZIP_RDONLY); 中。我收到段错误:GError 设置在先前 GError 或未初始化内存的顶部。

If I use FILE

char path[strlen(dirpath)]; 
sprintf(path, "%s", dirpath); // Create path to the file by copying from another variable
zip_file_t *contentfile = zip_fopen_index(book, index, ZIP_RDONLY);
zip_stat_index(book, index, ZIP_CHECKCONS, &fileinfo);
FILE *file = fopen(strcat(path, fileinfo.name), "wb");
zip_fread(contentfile, file, fileinfo.size);


如何正确地将 zip_read( 内容写入磁盘上的文件?

@MikeCAT 是对的,我首先需要修复我的字符路径大小。使用相同的想法,我将 void *buffer 更改为 char buffer[size] 而不是指针。它确实保存了一些 zip 中的文件,有些 zip 仍然存在分段错误。我将调查为什么 [可能某处内存不足] 但至少它现在确实有效。稍后更新

必须使用 malloc 设置缓冲区以避免错误,现在可以了

static void extract_book(zip_t *book, char *bookname)
    int size = strlen(pubdir) + strlen(bookname) + 1;
    char pubpath[size];
    strncat(strncat(strcpy(pubpath, pubdir), bookname, strlen(bookname)), "/", 2);
    GFile *dir = g_file_new_for_path(pubpath);
    g_file_make_directory_with_parents(dir, NULL, NULL);
    for (int index = 0; index < zip_get_num_files(book); index++)
        zip_file_t *contentfile = zip_fopen_index(book, index, 0);
        zip_stat_t fileinfo;
        int status = zip_stat_index(book, index, ZIP_FL_ENC_GUESS, &fileinfo);
        if (status == 0)
            char *buffer = malloc(fileinfo.size);
            char filepath[size + strlen(fileinfo.name)];
            strcat(strcpy(filepath, pubpath), fileinfo.name);
            zip_fread(contentfile, buffer, fileinfo.size);
            FILE *file = fopen(filepath, "wb");
            fwrite(buffer, fileinfo.size, 1, file);
            printf("%s at %i\n", puberror, zip_get_error(book)->zip_err);