mongodump vs mongoexport:哪个更好?

mongodump vs mongoexport: which is better?


我搜索了以前关于这个问题的帖子,但是我没有找到关于 speedsize[=18 的完整 comparison/benchmark =] 使用这两种方式导出文件! 如有经验分享,将不胜感激


Avoid using mongoimport and mongoexport for full instance production backups. They do not reliably preserve all rich BSON data types, because JSON can only represent a subset of the types supported by BSON. Use mongodump and mongorestore as described in MongoDB Backup Methods for this kind of functionality.


mongoexport is a command-line tool that produces a JSON or CSV export of data stored in a MongoDB instance.

mongodump is a utility for creating a binary export of the contents of a database. mongodump can export data from either mongod or mongos instances; i.e. can export data from standalone, replica set, and sharded cluster deployments.

一个重要的区别是 mongodump 比 mongoexport 用于备份目的更快。 Mongodump 将数据存储为二进制文件,而 mongoexport 将数据存储为 JSON 或 CSV。